I'm Youngshin Kim from South Korea. First, Let me introduce myself.
I'm an English teacher in Sinam Middle School and in charge of connecting classroom. Last Year, I've worked with one teacher from Sri Lanka through British Council and it was a wonderful experience for me and my students to learn south east Asia. My students believe in multiculturalism and very open-minded. (I attached some photos of our activity.)
I wish my students better know about South America this year and I was lucky to be able to contact you through British Council's Connecting Classroom page. So I'd like to suggest an online partnership with you. My students will do some research on Colombia (from tradition to current issues) and be able to send your pupils letters and essays to introduce Korea and research findings. And I think students in both schools will benefit from it.
We can discuss further activities together. If you are interested, please let me know.
For me is a huge pleasure you have contated me. Let me introduce myself.
I am an english teacher at José Manuel Restrepo school in Bogotá D.C. Colombia. This year I am working with sixtth grader´s students (10 to 13 years, boys and girls). In 2012 I worked with some students from New Zealand. It was a great experience for both groups, because they learned spanish and my students learned english. We used a platform from Auckland university. They both sent texts in their target language and the other group made corrections of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It was marvelous, because they also had two meeting by Skype, at the beginning and at the end of the year. I did a research project with that information.
This year I have improved the strategy and the instruments (documents). I enclosed the schedule. Any comment from will be well-accepted.
I send the schedule of the activities we could do together, but of course we could agree to do any change.
My students are cheerful to have this experience. I share with you two videos of our project and I am sure it would be the best opportunity to know about your culture and you know about us too.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Colegio Bilingüe en Bogotá https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gen8kWPs0fs
Video Canal Capital https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTFHJ9WcoBw&feature=youtu.be
Dorainés Mesa José Manuel Restrepo School Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
I've got your plan and it would work perfect for me.
Thank you very much!
And I watched videos you sent me. Your students looks so bright and happy to be in your school. Me and my students are so excited to start the projects. I've attached a file of my student's introducing our school school and also shared it through Google documents.
You can contact me through Facebook, if you find it convenient. "wooltrakim@naver.com" is my Facebook account. I wonder about your schools academic schedules, such as vacation when you and your students are off the town.
Mine is July 20 to August 18 and Dec 29 to March 2. (We are on spring break now.)
Just to friendly remind you; Although I worked with a teacher in Sri Lanka, I am South Korean teacher and teaching students in South Korea. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about it. :)
Anyway, I'll be ready to exchange students' information by next week. Please let me know if anything to discuss.
Sincerely, Youngshin Sinam Middle School, Seoul, South Korea.
I told my students about you and your students, they are excited!!
If you agree we could record a short video with our students sending a message for the other group. It could be at least two minutes. My students are from 601 grade. School José Manuel Restrepo. Location, Bogotá, Colombia
We would do the same four yours. If you agree, please send me some information about your students, and the name of the city where you are. I send you the test I applied to my students.You could do it or other one you consider convenient. The purpose is "to know the english level" of each one and organize the diadas/couples. When you have the results, please send me the information and I will return the list with the results of both groups.
I usually send a message to parents telling them about the project and asking for their permission for taking photos and videos of their children. I would like to know if your students speak english or they are learnign that language. In our case my students speak spanish and they are learning english as a second language. They have five hour a week, and our school is part of the bilingual program in our city. There are around ten schools in this oficial program. I have forty students in each group and I have six groups (601, 602, 603, 701, 702, 703). We are going to work with 601. There are 18 girls and 22 boys.
I sent a message to British Council consultan, in order to organize the project in the platform. As soon I receive information, I will tell you.
Always is great receive any news from you!!
P.S. you can just call me DoraInés. M.L. Dora Inés Mesa L.
Dear. DoraInés Hi, DoraInés. I love your idea. Since this week will be Korean national Holiday and my students are going to gather with their family members, they will be able to make some videos on their family and Korean tradition. As soon as they are done with it, I'll share it with you. My students are from 7th to 9th graders and they are speaking Korean and learning English as second language. Most of them are intermediate to advanced level on their age. And they are from different class since I recruited a team of students who are particularly interested in global citizenship. I have a short videoclip my students have once made lst year, and share it through google drive. Please let me know just in case it doesnt work for you. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byc2MReulzQ2cGV3bzNuTE5VczA/view
As spring break is almost over, my students are sending me the video they made. I asked them to finish their video up until this weekend, and the videos will be either about themselves or Korean culture. Some students have already done it, so I attached the file they gave. I will send you more as soon as they hand in. Please let me know if you have any problem to play the files.
I hope to be hear from you soon. Have a great day, Bye~!
Dear. DoraInés Yes, I am happy to have a Skype meeting with your class. I'm sure my students will be so excited when I tell them this news. As for as the day, let me discuss with them tomorrow and and tell you right away. I'm sending the files and an Excel file with the list of students who produced the video. (And some of them might be overlapped with those you've already got.) So far, I have 10 students' video, and each file is named after the producing student's name. Hope every video-clips works well. Oh, and do you know how to use Google Drive? We can share the videos through it, so just in case the files in this email don't work out, I'll share the videos with you through Google Drive. Actually, there are a few more students who are supposed to submit the video, but I guess they are a bit late. So I'd be grateful if you could wait for them til this weekend. As soon as I get theirs, I'll send them to you. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon online.
I received the first video sent on February 16th. But you sent me another one, didn´t you? I saw it, but sicerely I didn´t download and now I don´t find it. It is about a girl who is talking about Colombia. I am doing a video in which my students tell you about our country. I hope to send it next week.
I really appreciate if you send to me the list of your students. My students have writen down a letter for them. It would be greatful if they know their names.
I propose to have the first meeting by Skype in March. It could be any day from Tuesday to Thursday (in Colombia). As you have 14 hours more than us it could be at 5:00 p.m ( in Colombia) and 7:00 am. in South Korea.
Please tell me if you agree and when it could be held (day and hour). As soon as I receive your confirmation I ask the principal and the coordinators to organize the event.
I am working on the platform Moodle to organize the groups (pairs) to have an space for working together. It is another reason I need the list of your students. I send to you the list of my students with the results of the english diagnostic test.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best Regards for all of you!
Dora Inés Mesa López School José Manuel Restrepo IED
This message was sent on February 23, 2015 by Skype. My students are sending me the files to introduce themselves and Korean traditional holiday. I'll send it to you whenever I've got them. And this file is from Ryu Jae Won, a girl in my connecting room class. Hope you enjoy it! Oh, if you can't open the page, please let me know.
Sending by Skype Dear Youngshin: I want to comment something about the communication among our students. As It is probably that our students want to communicate by Facebook, I would recommend you say that it is not allowed, you know for their security and because the purpose is they are guided in this process. Do you agree?
Dear Youngshin: I received 9 and 4 vídeos, but I only could open two: Do Yeon Kim & Park Si Yeon
We could try by Google Drive. I couldn´t download the video you sent by Facebook. This experience has been marvelous for all of us. Have a nice day! Dora Inés Mesa L.
I am sorry, in the last email I sent another file. This is the students´s list with the results of the pretest. I really appreciate if you please, write down your students name in from of each one of mine. As I told you it encourages them to communicate and send messages.
So far, I've uploaded 14 video clips on Google Drive and shared it with you. You can download the files and we can edit them together. To play these video clips, you might need "video player for all files", such as GOM Media Player.
You can download it in the following page; "http://download.cnet.com/GOM-Media-Player/3000-13632_4-10551786.html" I hope it works well this time, but if not, please tell me. There is also a documents containing my students' names.
I realized that I have only 16 students in the club for now. But as a spring semester begins in March, we are planning to recruit more students and there will be 25 to 30 students in the group.
Lastly, as for our first Skype meeting, I'd like to suggest either March 23, 5 PM in Columbia ( March 24, 7 AM in Korean time) OR March 24, 5 PM in Columbia (March 25, 7 AM in Korea). Please let me know if it works for you.
I have received 12 videos and one by Facebook ( I have not download this one, because it says that it is too hevavy, but I saw it anyway). The others I am going to download. It seems I won´t have problems.
I was working with my students last week recording some messages from them for you, but probably my USB has a virus and they are trimed. I hope I can solve this problem and can send you the video. I am sure you will like it.
About the Skype meeting I think we could have it in any date you propose, but first I have to confirm with the principal and parents, because students shift is from 6:30 am. to 2:30 pm and some of them live far from the school. I confirm you next week.
Humm, I didn´t receive your list, probably you didn´t attached. Did you?. About the number of students no problem it is normal in this kind of projects. My students have seen the videos of Do Yeon Kim and Park Si Yeon. They have enjoyed this kind of activities and have learned about your culture.
I've visited the blog and it's a beautiful place to work together. I appreciate very much for your hard work. I've got three more videos from my students so I shared them as well with you. Also, student list is attached as file. Then have a nice day. Best Regards, Youngshin
March 3, 2015 Hi dear Youngshin: I have received 12 videos and one by Facebook ( I have not download this one, because it says that it is too hevavy, but I saw it anyway). The others I am going to download. It seems I won´t have problems. I was working with my students last week recording some messages from them for you, but probably my USB has a virus and they are trimed. I hope I can solve this problem and can send you the video. I am sure youwill like it. About the Skype meeting I think we could have it in any date you propose, but first I have to confirm with the principal and parents, because students shift is from 6:30 am. to 2:30 pm and some of them live far from the school. I confirm you next week. Humm, I didn´t receive your list, probably you didn´t attached. Did you?. About the number of students no problem it is normal in this kind of projects. My students have seen the videos of Do Yeon Kim and Park Si Yeon. They have enjoyed this kind of activities and have learned about your culture. I share with you the blog I created for our project. Please, tell me if you have any problem to open it.http://linguisticinterchange.blogspot.com/2015/02/south-korea-sinam-middle-school.html?showComment=1425144188607#c4678079939676054165 . Have a nice weekend! Doraines Mesa
Hi dear Dora Inés. How have you been? For me, the spring semester began a week ago, so the school has been quite busy. Last time I got your email, you told me that you are having a technical problem to solve. I hope it turns out well and we can keep proceeding our project. If time difference would be the problem, I think we can communicate by meeting up in 8~9PM (in Korea) and 6~7AM(in Columbia), since your students' shift is from 6:30 AM. And we can still work through the blog and share videos first. I hope I can hear from you soon. Have a wonderful day.
Dear Youngsin Kim. I apologize for my long silence. This week we had the firts meeting with Belaurs students, so it was too hard to organize everything. According to your email from March 9, 2015 about our meeting by Skype...
"If time difference would be the problem, I think we can communicate by meeting up in 8~9PM (in Korea) and 6~7AM(in Columbia), since your students' shift is from 6:30 AM. And we can still work through the blog and share videos first."
I agree it will be held from 6:30 a.m, in Colombia. I suggest you to do it on March 20. As it is the first meeting among our students, I suggest some questions for both groups.
1. What´s the typical food in South Korea / Colombia 2. What festivities do you celebrate? 3. What is your school´s name? 4. What time is it in South Korea/Colombia? 5. What is the numeric system in S.K. 6. How many religions are there? 7. What is your favorite movie? 8. What sport do you practice? 9. How do you say "hello" in korean?
If you agree, or have any other idea please tell me. Please confirm me this weekend. I look forward for hearing from you soon!
My students have been seeing the videos. They have enjoyed and learn about you.
Dear Dora Inés. Thank you for your reply. I worried a bit, but I totally understand that you were very busy to work on both two partner schools. First of all, 7~10 of my students will be able to show up on Friday evening(March 20, 8:30 PM in Korean Time) and join in Skype meeting.
Second, a little problem here was,, I wasn't sure if our project is going to be continue or not, so I wasn't able to ask our technicians to fix the networking system. If I ask him to check the system tomorrow, it might take two~three days for us to get ready. So I would say, I think I can confirm you about our meeting date on Monday or Tuesday.
I know you are in hurry now to give a notice to your student ahead, but I would be grateful if you would wait for me just a day or two. Any way, It's been a real pleasure to be heard from you again.
I understand your worry for my silence, but no problem, you know sometimes we have unexpected events, but the idea is to follow the schedule I sent you at the begining. You have is, don´t you? No problem about the meeting. As soon as you confirm I tell my students. They are anxious about it. What is your opinion about the questions. Do you agree? any suggestion? I already have the video for you, from my students, but I have not yet upload to youtube. I hope to finish it today.
Youngshin, this project was planned to be develop during this year. Don´t worry if sometimes I don´t write you. If you have any question don´t hesitate to write or send a message. Have a nice week. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Hugs for you and your students.
Doraines Mesa. José Manuel Restrepo School IED Bogotá, Colombia
Hi, dear Dora Inés. I tested the network system and it turns out pretty well. I made a new Skype account and sent you a contact request. So I'm OK with meeting up on Friday 20. March, and Me and my students would be happy to answer to all those questions you sent me, and we'll get prepared to answer to them. Since me and my students are doing a research project on Columbia, we might be able to bring up more questions next time. And lastly, it would be a great relief if we can double-check the system a day or two ahead without students. So I hope we can have a very short meeting online on Wed. 18 or Thurs. 19, if possible? (If not, it's OK.) I'm sure it won't take too long., just one or two minutes to make sure everything works well. If it works for you, please let me know what time you are available. Then have a great day and I'm very looking forward to our first meeting.
P.S. I shared another video through Google Drive. It's part of my students research project on comparing Columbia Korean culture, There are more group of students who are going to have a presentation on it, and I'll share the video whenever it's done. Sincerely, Youngshin Kim
Hi dear Dora Inés I'd just like to confirm our meeting tomorrow March 20. I sent you an email about our meeting on Friday, but I couldn't hear from you. I hope we have no problem about this. Could you please let me know if there's any problem, so that I can fix it quickly. My students are so lookin forward to it. Hope to hear from you soon. Bye.
I don´t know if you received this message, I sent on March 16, but just the same I confirm the meeting tomorrow, March 20 from 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. in Colombia. Everything is organized to carry out this interchange.
I understand your worry for my silence, but no problem, you know sometimes we have unexpected events, but the idea is to follow the schedule I sent you at the begining. You have it, don´t you? No problem about the meeting. As soon as you confirm I tell my students. They are anxious about it. What is your opinion about the questions. Do you agree? any suggestion? We have already done the video for you, but I have not yet upload in youtube. I hope to finish it today. Youngshin, this project was planned to be developed during this year. Don´t worry if sometimes I don´t write you. If you have any question don´t hesitate to write or send a message. Have a nice week. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
For organization I recommend that both of us have the list of the students. As I have more students than you, I organized groups. Each group has maximum five minutes to interchange at least two questions.
My skype account is dorainesmes. If you have any question please don´t hesitate to ask me.
I look forward to meeting to you and your students soon.
Hugs! Dora Inés Mesa L. José Manuel Restrepo IED Bogotá, Colombia
Meeting by Skype Hi dear younshin! [07:13:06 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh Hi Dora Ines :) [07:13:12 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: what time is there? Here is 7:13 a.m. [07:15:07 a.m.] Younshin Kim: It's 9:13 pm here. Only a day is left. Before I've got your reply today, I thought 1~2 students each are talking about one question.. ;( [07:23:54 a.m.] Younshin Kim: So I asked them to prepare for only one or two questions. My apologies for the misunderstanding. [07:24:36 a.m.] Younshin Kim: But they are fairly good in English, so they can immediately asnwer to all those questions. [07:28:03 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: no problem, jejejeje. Humm, that´s the difference, you know my students are in sixth grade. I will invite some students of 11th grade, too. [07:32:19 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Great! My students are now so excited and also nervous.We simulated the calll and practiced it once, and it was very funny to see their face. They are not used to this kind of activity. [07:33:47 a.m.] Younshin Kim: And I will try to reduce time for me talking and give as much time for students. So I asked one of my students to do the opening and closing. [07:34:35 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I think this will be a great opportunity to motivate our students to continue with this kind of learning. [07:35:11 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes, sure. And we have tons of themes and ideas to talk about each other, don't we? My students are conducting researches on Columbia thesedays, so they surely have manything to ask about your country. [07:38:48 a.m.] Younshin Kim: This is my first time to use Skype in my class,, so I'm a bit worried. Have the network ever failed and the system didn't work on the right time of meeting? [07:41:25 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: That´s true. That´s why I consider this experience is amazing, because in spite of there are internet and social networks, not all the time young people have the opportunity to contact pairs with out risks and with pedagogic purposes. Youngshin, I hope you have a nice day, ops, not, night! (facepalm) See you tomorrow! [07:45:40 a.m.] Younshin Kim: You too, See you soon! :)
I want to apologize for my silence, the reasons are that I had some extra activities in the school and also this is Holy week so I had to do evaluations and reports last week.
Yesterday I was at Secretaría de Educación asking for helping with the platform, they will help me, but I need you please give me your students emails. Please, as soon as possible.
According to the schedule in April we are going to send our first message by the platform, so we need to agree the topic. I suggest "My best friend". We could work adjectives for personality, physical descriptions, opposites, colors, numbers, possessive adjectives and has got. If you agree we can begin to work with our students these grammar topics. Or if you have any other suggestion, please let me know.
The objective is that when they send the message by the platform they have "learned" most of these structures and vocabulary. They also can add a photo or a video.
I send you the correction techniques, then I explain how to use them, and what each one mean.
As always, it is a pleasure to contact you. The meeting was wonderful for my students in spite of the conection problems. I am organizing the videos of our first meeting, I am sure it will be wonderful!
Do you have Holy week too? How do you celebrate it?
Have a nice week!
M.L. Dora Inés Mesa L. José Manuel Restrepo IED Bogotá, Colombia
Dear Dora Inés Hi, Dora Inés. How have you been? I've been also busy for the first month of spring semester and want to apologize my silence, too. I think teachers' lives are hectic whatever the country is, aren't they? ;) About your videos, I can see how wonderful they will be. If I agree, why don't we share each other's videos we've taken?
They will be a good reminiscence of our first meeting. And I love the topic "My Best Friends" you suggested and I'm sure my students will do too. As well as their friends' personality and looks, they would also be able to talk about what they do to hang out with their friends. (I'll leave this as optional). As for Grammar, I'll give my students a time to exchange feedback on each other's draft writing, so that they can self-correct the errors and make sure they learn the grammar points.
I attached the file that has e-mail addresses of my students except the last two from the bottom. but I'll let you know theirs tomorrow.
Then, wish have a wonderful day and look forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, Youngshin
Perfect! As soon as I have all the information I will send it to Secretaría de Educación. I could see that you add some names to the project, wonderful!
The option you suggest is suitable for your students, taking into account they have higher level. It will encourage them to write more and my students to learn new vocabulary too. I hope you have a nice week. Hugs.
Dora Inés Mesa José Manuel Restrepo IED Bogotá, Colombia
Hi, Dora. I've got email addressed from my students and attached the file. Hope I wasn't too late. I have a few questions about the Doodle program. It seems I can download the program online to install it. What do I have to do after installing the progam? And does my students also need to install the program at home, if they want to work on the project after school?
As always, thank you very much for your support. Then have a wonderful day.
Thank you for your information. It is not late, this week we didn´t go to school, so I haven´t the information of my students yet. About the program Moodle, it is a platform, and we will create a course for our linguistic interchange inthis room. When I have all the information (emails) of both groups, Iwill register them in the course and each pair or group will receive a username and password. As soon I have the information I will send it. Don´t worry about it, probably it takes one or two weeks, because I will receive that information from the Secretaría de Educación Distrital. It is not necessary to install the program.
Have a nice week!
Dora Inés Mesa L. José Manuel Restrepo School Bogotá, Colombia
I hope send you the tutoring to enter in the platform this week. I have personal problems, my mom is 86 years old and I have been with her in the hospital since May 1st. Doctors say that she has grievous bodily harm ;( .
With best wishes!
Dora Inés Mesa L.
May 3, 2015
Hi dear Dora Inés. I'm so sorry to hear that your mother is unwell. I hope she gets better any time soon. Please don't worry about our project. Me and my students can wait for you until things turn out well. Rather, we'd be really appreciated for you and your effort you put under such a hard circumstances. We just wish the best for you and your family. So feel free to let me know what me and my students need to do when things get better. Hope you have nice day.
I apologize for my silence, but fortunately things are better. Here. I share the tutorial to enter in the course created by Secretaría de Educación in Moodle for our project. I recommend you encourage your students enter to confirm the username and password. If you have any problem please don´t hesitate to tell me, and I contact the person who helps us with this course.
If you don´t have any problem, you can begin with activities one and two.
June 3, 2015 by Skype Hi dear friend! [03/06/2015 06:06:40 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi, Dora Ines. I've checked up your email yesterday, so I sent you a late reply. I'm so sorry!! [03/06/2015 06:07:29 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t worry that´s ok. The most important is that you can enter in the platform. Please, tell me if you have any problem. [03/06/2015 06:23:50 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Ok, I'll check if it works right today with my students. Do your students have any other busy schedule this month? My students have final exam on the second week of July, so I hope they can upload their writing before July. [03/06/2015 06:30:41 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: We are working to June 19, then they have two weeks free. [03/06/2015 06:32:41 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: They begin classes the second week of July. I consider we have enough time to interchange their writings. After that we can think about the correction techniques. Do you agree?
June 3, by email Dear Dora Inés Oh, I'm so sorry that I've missed your email and wasn't be able to answer. If you don't mind, I'll tell my students to do what you've told me and confirm their account.Students of yours and mine probably have many things to catch up to talk about their school days. Do you want my students to post some writings as soon as they confirm their account on Moodle? And when do you expect both students exchange some of their writings, considering your class schedule? I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Junio 3 Hi dear Youngshin:
It is a pleasure listen to you again!
According to your email you have the information of the platform, don´t you? I recommend you and your students confirm your username and passoword. As you you have done it you can enter and send the first and second message. I will send you the tutorial. It is important you have both information South Korea and Colombia, because after your students write the message, they have to enter in the account of his/her partner and correct mistakes. But this last activity is after they have written the first and sencon message.
We keep in contact. Have a nice day and don´t worry we are right with the time.
I am organizing a video with our meeting, but it has been so difficult because the videos don´t have good definition. If you have any videos I really appreciate you send me them. Also, as I told you my mom continue in the hospital, it has not been easy, but anyway do this kind of project is an incentive for me.
June 7, 2015 Dear Dora Inés I really wish the best for your mother's fast recovery. I think there is nothing more important than family. I checked all of my file, but I couldn't find the original version of video on our meeting yet. It must be somewhere, though, and I will send you as soon as I find them. And I have a question. I wonder if I don't need ID and password for the Moodle flatform. All of my students have their own ID and password and I confirmed it worked, but I couldn't find my own account. So would you let me know if teachers don't need them? My students will be able to post writings over this week. I'll let you know when they've done it. Then have a wonderful week. Regards, Youngshin
Thanks for your words. Unfortunately my mom died last night. It´s so diffiucult situation, but anyway it is necessary to live the mournign. Tomorrow will be the funeral rites. Tomorrow I will check your password and ID and I send you. Please, excuseme.
June 8, 2015 Dear Dora Inés I'm so sorry to hear your loss. I pay my deepest condolences to you. She has been and will be loved by many. It must be difficult time for you and don't worry about our project. Please take care and I'll wish the best for you and your family.
After this long and painful recess. I would like to know if you and your students could enter in the platform. The intention is that our students use technology to share and communicate their messages.
I would like to have a meeting by Skype with you to agree on the next topic, students could write and to know if you want to do the research project, in this case it would be a pleasure for me to share with you the methodology to register the information and have quantitative results.
July 7, 2015 Dear Dora Inés I'm so happy to hear you soon. I was worrying if you are doing OK, and hoped the pain didn't hurt you too much. Any way, I wish the best for you and your family and I'm really appreciated for your hard work and devotion. For now, some of my students already uploaded their writing in the platform, which means that they were able to enter it. And I figured the way I can enter the platform. I'm wondering if your students could read the writing of my students. I mean, could you check up if you can see the uploaded item from my students? As for the next topic, I'd like to suggest that our students write about one thing (It can be any object, people, art, etc) that can define who they are. For sure, I'm open to any other idea or suggestions from you and we can discuss it through Skype. Would you be available on this weekend, Saturday or Sunday? If so, what time will be good for you? I'll look forward hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Youngshin
[10/07/2015 06:53:46 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi, I sent you email a few days ago and I'm OK with skype this weekend. Please let me know what time will be good for you.
[11/07/2015 12:01:33 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi, my dear Younshin. Yes, I received it. I apologize haven´t say anything. I haven´t answer, because I was no sure to be at home. I will be at home today and tomorrow. It could be today at 8 p.m. (Colombia) or when you can. It doen´t matter. :). Please, tell what time you can. You can give two options. [11/07/2015 08:02:22 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi dear Dora Inés. I've just checked your message. I'm OK whenever you can. I'll be online all day, so please send me a message when you are ready. [11/07/2015 09:17:15 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: My dear Younshin to be honest I went to see some children playing in the park and I forgot it. But as I will be online too. In any moment we can talk and agree the activities we are going to do. [11/07/2015 09:18:03 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: We were working in the platform correcting the text, but we didn´t see your students text. Did you type the text in the platform? didn´t you? [11/07/2015 09:18:22 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Your student can enter to see our activity. [11/07/2015 09:25:42 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh the children must be lovely. Ok let me check up. Would you give me 10 minutes to figure out what the problem is? :) [11/07/2015 09:38:30 p.m.] *** *** [11/07/2015 09:42:48 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Jae-Won Ryu, Hyun-Seo Kim, Yoo-Jung Oh, Jae-Hee Kim, Eun-Ji Kim uploaded something on their platform. And I'm hustling the rest of my students to finish the work ;) [11/07/2015 09:46:04 p.m.] Younshin Kim: And I can see the comments from Daza Laura, Larrota José-Gabriel, Ortiz Santiago, Reyes Laura, Martínez Luna.
[05:23:09 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Good Morning Dear Dora Inés :) I realize that I can see all of your students work on Theme 1 (Personal Information). And some of my students and me are mixed up and upload to Theme 1 and 2 here and there. ;( Do I need any kind of process for confimation to make it present to yourside? [05:28:15 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh gosh, and my students even uploaded to your platform, which is supposed to be for your students. Pardon me for all of this crazy confusion. Me and my students are learning how to use this system and after a few trial and errors, I'm sure we will figure it out. [05:34:33 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t worry, don´t worry. [05:35:06 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: All of as are learning. :) [05:37:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Yes, of course. No problem. I have been working in this kind of projects and I always learn something. [05:38:04 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: (since 2012) [05:41:06 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: What I suggest is to decide and agree what we´ll do from now on. [05:43:15 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 1. Students should have type their firt text in the platform. [05:44:21 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 2. and the second text. My best friend. [05:47:49 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes, I agree and I would love to proceed with variety of themes. [05:48:05 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 3. The third step is identify the mistakes in the second text of my students using colors (my students did this excercise in their first text as an example). [05:48:58 a.m.] Younshin Kim: OK, one question. Do they correct errors by themselves or check each other's writing before posting them? [05:52:00 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: For example: I send you a message in the platform about my best friend. Then you check my message and identify my mistakes with colors. [05:52:55 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Highlight with Yellow: (spelling and capital letters) . [05:53:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 1. Something must be left,highlight it with red. [05:53:46 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 2. Something is missing, highlight it with green and writing in brackets. [05:53:59 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 3. Wrong order highlight it with blue. [05:54:38 a.m.] *** *** [05:55:41 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I suggest only use only 1 , 2 and 3 techniques. [05:57:42 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh then, the partners are correcting each other's errors by commenting to each other, right? [05:59:40 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Right, perfect! [05:59:56 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The aim in this kind of activities is that students gain linguistic awareness.
[06:00:47 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: They can upload photos or videos in each text (if they want). [06:05:17 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: In this kind of activities texts shouldn´t be long. You focus them about any specific structure you want to improve or strengthen. [06:11:04 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Understood. :) but would that be OK for some students who have higher proficiencies to use wider range of structures? [06:12:06 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: of course, you know, unfortunately (for this project) my students are younger. [06:12:48 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: but, it is not a problem. You know in communication, probably you don´t understand some words but the most important is that you undersatan de message. [06:13:08 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: "understand" [06:14:08 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes, the older and advanced students (either mine or yours) can be a good commenter while the younger and beginner students can be a good audience who can encourage writing. So in that way they can both benefit from this activity. [06:15:34 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Any way, I will make things more clear to my students that they need more focused on the language itself than before. [06:16:09 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: so, it is! [06:18:30 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Upcoming Thursday, I'll explain it and let them do it all again, because I wans't very clear about them. They are from different class, so I can meet them in the afterschool session once a week. Could you please wait until then? I'm so sorry for the delay. [06:18:51 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Some benefits of this kind of projects is that from now on they not only think in the message, but also in how it was writtten. [06:21:07 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t worry. I understand. You know that according to the schedule they would write at least three of four text. Here the aim is not quantitity is learning. [06:24:11 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: That´s the reason I am doing this project the second time. The fist time was harder and I left somethings to do. I am sure you will do it the best you can. It doesn´t mean you don´t have mistakes, but it means you are learning. :) . T [06:24:31 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Te biggest risk you have when you do a project is that you can learn something ;) [06:25:14 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: "he" [06:25:32 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: "The" [06:26:59 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hummm, I am drowsy, jejeje. But no. Today I have many things to do at home. jejejeje. I'm sure they can really engage in their writing and know each other in deeper way. After this project, me and my students wil be dreamed of going to Columbia. You must take some rest. I bothered you in this early morning. Then I think it's time to leave you alone. Let me talked to you next weekend to check the progress, if that is OK for you. [06:31:46 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: perfect! no problem. It is always a pleasure have news from you.
[06:31:57 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Let me see I enter in the platform. [06:32:01 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Just one more last thing to ask (So Sorry). My students reported that they couldn't log in today and saw this message. can you tell me what that means? [06:33:08 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I will try, but if I can´t solve the problem I contact the person who administrate the platform and I tell you. Right? [06:33:54 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t hesitate to contact me in any moment. I love this kind of activities and is a pleasure for me contact you! [06:34:53 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: could you please tell me you username? [06:35:41 a.m.] Younshin Kim: It's wooltrakim and password is Xwooltrakim@. I owe you a lot, thanks!! [06:37:57 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I could enter in your course and in mine. [06:38:07 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I will try with some of your students. [06:38:46 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes I do and I was also able to log in my students account without any problem, but they told so. [06:40:01 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Probably they don´t enter the password in the correct way. [06:41:14 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I suggest my students to type the password in the username, copy it in the password and then delete X and @ in the username. In this case you spend one or two minutes more, but you are sure you type the password in the corret way. [06:42:06 a.m.] Younshin Kim: OK I'll talk to them. Thank you so much !! [06:44:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: O.k. I tried with five and all of them enter. Tell them, probably they don´t type the password in a correct way. [06:44:52 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hugs. ;) [06:45:23 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I look forward to hearing from you on weekend or before, when you need some information. [07:03:22 a.m.] Younshin Kim: OK, I will. Then have a lovely weekend~!! :)
July 19, 2015 By Skype Good morning Dora Inés. For now, 16 of my students uploaded their writing about their best friends. (Rest of them are still struggling to use the flatform, but they will figure it out soon.) And I'm wondering how they can exchange their writing with your students. They are very excited about the idea of giving and receiving feedback from each other.
By Skype Good morning my dear Younshin. Worderful news! [09:58:09 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Which are the problems? May I help you?
As you know, each one has a pair the idea is that, example: You and me write a text in the platform and you correct my text and I correct yours. I would like we do practice first and then it will be easier for you explain the activity. Do you agree?
July 21st, 2015 by Skype Younshin: Yes I do and understand the idea. The thing is, it seems my students currently aren't able to access to your student's writing, which makes them unable to give a feed back. How can they gain access to your student's work? :)
Hummm, can they ente in their accounts? [21/07/2015 11:53:13 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: No problem [21/07/2015 11:57:40 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I wil send you a checking list to know who has upload text 1 and 2 [21/07/2015 01:56:31 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I would like to know who has written a text in the platform to check if I can enter in both texts. Please give me that information. [21/07/2015 02:01:01 p.m.] *** *** [21/07/2015 02:01:06 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I use this checking list to comfirm who has done what. [21/07/2015 07:16:05 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin, did you check the document?
Hi my dear Younshin, how about the activity in the platform? Could your students come? [06:28:51 p.m.] *** *** [06:28:54 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Good morning, Dora Ines. Sorry for the late reply. Here is the list of students who have summited. And I will keep hastling those who are proscranating. [06:30:52 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Deep apologies for the delay. 11 students submitted for Text 1, 16 students have Text 2 done. [06:36:22 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: No problem. The most important is that we can solve any problem we have. [06:37:08 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect! good job! [06:38:42 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Well, now I invite your students enter in the platform and check activity one of my students. There you will see an example of correction. [06:39:16 p.m.] *** *** [06:39:29 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I send you the correction techniques. [06:42:11 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I would like you enter of the account of any of your student (document one, MY PERSONAL INFORMATION) and know if you can check my student´s document with the correction. [06:43:08 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: *corrections [06:44:46 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Sure, My ID is wooltrakim and password is Xwooltrakim@. And I once checked and found I had the access to your student's writing.
Meeting by Skype Excuseme, humm, I am not sure if you undertood my suggestion. [06:49:07 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: could you please tell me in your words what will you do? Students from both sides will give feedback to each other and correct their writings based on the feedback, won't they? [06:50:59 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh, you mean the structure of the writing? [06:54:21 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Yes perfect, but message one will be corrected in pair with students of the same city. The reason is that they can practice in the first time with their partners. [06:54:56 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The second message will be corrected in tandem (My students will correct your students text and your students will correct my student´s text). They can begin as soon as they want/can. [06:55:34 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: About the correction techniques... [06:55:54 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 1. I suggest they begin with the first technique. [06:56:49 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: They can receive feedback from you or from their partners. [07:00:02 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: When they know how to do it, they can continue with the next techniques. They learn quickly, I am sure it will be easier for them. [07:00:31 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR ME IN THIS MOMENT is that they can see the example in text one of my students.
Then I must have missed the peer editing process between my pupils, right? Oh,, then in what way did you have your students give each other? Did they share their hard-copy of writing, correct each other's errors, and then upload the second-draft of writing? [07:07:56 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: No, no, no. They correct the text in the platform directly. It is as document in word. They have all the tools to do it. [07:08:40 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am going to send you a tutoring hot to use the tools, right? [07:09:16 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: hot is a mistake, sorry [07:11:53 p.m.] Younshin Kim: no problem, thanks any way. :) What I'm confused about the platform is,,, do my students have an access to other students in Korea, too? I mean... I thought the platform only allows students to give comment on students from different cities. [07:13:24 p.m.] Younshin Kim: So if one of my students (Tae Gyu, for example) wants to correct the other (Syeon), then can Tae Gyu correct Syeon's writing in platform? [07:13:35 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: No, the course has been created in order to work in pairs. That´s why if you see the list of your students you will find Group 1 , group 2, and so on.
[07:14:11 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Humm, I understand your question. Wait. [07:15:44 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 1. When I say that your students can correct the texts among them I mean that for example we work together. So, we sit down and work in the same computer. You open your text (first text) and I correct your mistakes, in front of you. [07:16:32 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The aim is that I can tell you your mistakes and you learn from my feedback, right? [07:17:20 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 2. Then, I open my text and you do the same activity. [07:18:48 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have implemented this first activity, because as I told you in the first experience/project I did three years ago, I had the problem that the students didn´t understand the strategy of correcting mistakes. [07:22:15 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: but with this strategy students have undertood it very well and quicly. [07:23:24 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The idea is that when they correct second message, they can do it themselves. [07:23:32 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Is is clear? [07:23:41 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: is it.. [07:24:32 p.m.] Younshin Kim: I got it. Then since my students aren't in the same class and may not be able to work in pairs at the same place or time, I can think of other way. They usually work on this project separately at their own home, not in the classroom, I'll tell them to share their ID and PW and log in with each other's account. Then they will be able to correct each other's writing. And then, finally you and me share student's writing, right? [07:26:53 p.m.] Younshin Kim: I must be a little bit to hurry wishing my students can exchange letters with your pupils. But I now understand the focus is on the Correction. It's all very clear :) [07:27:17 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Well, to tell you the true it is not the idea, but as the circumstances are not the same in all schools it will be another way to do it. So, no problem. I would like to know then how was this experience for them. [07:30:15 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Through correctiong techniques, they can build ACCURACY of their second language, and through exchanging writings, they will acquire FLUENCY. So every form of activities will do good for our students. [07:30:49 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Right, but the most important objective is that they know what they are learning. It is not the same when the teacher correct their test of quizes. They learn about language and they can explain why the correct the mistake or why it is a mistake. That exercise makes them more aware and critical of their learning process. [07:31:33 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: If you want I can share with you the charts for the analysis of texts. [07:31:55 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am working in that. [07:32:58 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Certainly, please. So you have the whole data of students' errors in L2. I'ts amazing! [07:34:44 p.m.] *** *** [07:35:02 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Next week I am going to apply the posttest [07:35:41 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Last semester, I tried some peer-editing activity in my class. And I found it works OK with over intermediate level students, but those with lower capacity had hard time identifying the erros. I'm just wondering how you would address this problem? [07:35:47 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The idea is that when we have the results of pretest and posttes we can compare the advantages in each measure. [07:36:17 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I really like you do the same, and can compare how was the results here and there. [07:36:51 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: You have to take into account that the activities in the platform are practices to learn. [07:37:13 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The real evaluationl is when we apply the pretest and posttest.
Tomorrow I send you the tutorial about the correction techniques in the platform. I have been working in the analys of the text and I am a little tired. Encourage your students to correct their texts in pairs and I hope next week they can correct the second text of my students. [07:42:37 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: If you have any question don´t hesitate to send a message. [07:44:03 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Tomorrow I will work with my students and I will try they can correct some of your students´ texts. I will send you a message in the afternoon (Colombia) to tell you about the activity. [07:45:07 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Finally, I would like we organize another meeting by skype with the students who couldn´t participate in the first meeting. The topic could be my best friend or the best place I like in my City or my country. [07:45:29 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: It could be the first week in August.
Dora Inés: The meeting today was wonderful! I am learning from you too. [07:52:02 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh It's you who teach me a lot of lesson. OK, then I'll tell you the list of participant by the end of this week. Thank you very much for your guide on this project. You need some rest after all the hardwork. I can have my students do peer editing among them, and also with your student. But considering I'm working on the project as a part of after-school-extracurricular-meaning-focused- activity , I'm afraid to tell I might not be able to have time to analyze all of my students' text and give you the data. But, I'll try to use the assessment tool you gave to me. [07:53:30 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect! the analysis is optional for you. No problem. [07:55:02 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am really happy to have the oportunity to do this project with you! Believe me. I am sure we will have the opportunity to share and learn many things. This is only the begining. :) [07:55:34 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Have a nice "day"? jejeje and rest. See you soon. [07:56:52 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Sure, and I really respect your passion on ESL teaching. Your students (and also mine) are so lucky to have you as a teacher. Then have a nice day and see you ;)
Hi, Dora Ines. My students have been working for the correction techniques and I'm sending you the file for students list. I should apologize that there STILL are some students who haven't done it yet. (facepalm) But, most of my students are doing their best, although we are on the summer break and they are working on their own without my supervision. Since it's the first time thier using this method, so it may not be perfect but they seem to make progress. Some did a wonderful job, while some others not, but I'm gently asking you to know that we are trying hard to keep up the pace with your class and are very appeciated for you to give us this unique learning experience. By the way, many of my students are off the town next week, so I'd like to ask you if we can skype on the second week of August? One of the days from 10 to 14 of August, if it works for you? Hi, Dora Ines. My students have been working for the correction techniques and I'm sending you the file for students list. I should apologize that there STILL are some students who haven't done it yet. (facepalm) But, most of my students are doing their best, although we are on the summer break and they are working on their own without my supervision. Since it's the first time thier using this method, so it may not be perfect but they seem to make progress. Some did a wonderful job, while some others not, but I'm gently asking you to know that we are trying hard to keep up the pace with your class and are very appeciated for you to give us this unique learning experience. By the way, many of my students are off the town next week, so I'd like to ask you if we can skype on the second week of August? One of the days from 10 to 14 of August, if it works for you?
Hi, Dora Inés. How have you been? I suppose you've been busy these days.. My school just began the fall semestar, so It's been pretty hectic here as well. I hope everything goes well with your students and you. If there is anything I have to catch up with, please let me know. Have a good day!
August 19, 2015 - Meeting by Skype [19/08/2015 04:57:10 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin. It is nice to hear that. I hope we can continuo working. I have been working doing the first report, it has been hard, because I have been statistics analysis and writing text, but any way I hope to finish it next week. [19/08/2015 04:58:47 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: About the activities, my students did some videos about commom mistakes, but to be honest I haven´t organize them. As soon I have it I will send to you. [19/08/2015 05:03:31 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Also, they are doing like touristic advertising about different places in Colombia. [19/08/2015 05:04:36 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I would like to have another meeting by Skype, but next week I have a meeting with parents about grades and you know how is that. [19/08/2015 05:07:23 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I was checking the platform but I couldn´t see all your text. I am will check them and tell you something about them. Humm, one thing, as you know my students are younger than yours they didn´t understand all the text. I recommend you, please, tell your students write shorter texts, you know my students are in sixth grade. Thank you for your message. [19/08/2015 05:09:03 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: For now, I consider they can write and send a message about one of their favorite place in your city or county. A paragraph is enough. [19/08/2015 05:09:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Have a nice day! ;) [19/08/2015 05:11:41 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes, I agree. In the beginning of the project, my students had some misunderstanding about the project, as you know. So I'll tell them keep their writing short on next topic. By the way, Do you know Pernanto Botero? I heard he is from Columbia. THere is an exhibition of the artist in Korea, so me and my students are going to visit the exhibition soon. And we can write a letter to your students with greetings and the review of the exhibition. [19/08/2015 05:12:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: fantastic! [19/08/2015 05:12:47 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Do you think your students know about him or might be interested in the subject a little? :) [19/08/2015 05:14:02 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Yes, here we have a museum of him. Of course! [19/08/2015 05:16:02 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: at the end of the year, normally I organize a field trip, it consist on visiting some museums in the down town of the city and we visit Boteros museum, because there students meet foreing people and can talk with them. [19/08/2015 05:23:19 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Perfect, we can also work on the theme of Columbian artist someday. My kids are so eager to learn more about Columbia. After visitng the exhibition, I'll ask my students to compare art works of each countries and send a handwritten letter to your students,,, And when we do Skype meeting, we can talk about the letter. It's just my rough idea, but,, do you think it will works for both of us? :) [19/08/2015 05:28:51 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Sorry about the typos. Colombian artist, I mean. [19/08/2015 05:29:49 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I agree. [19/08/2015 05:29:58 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: It was nice to meet you! [19/08/2015 05:30:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have to go out to the school. [19/08/2015 05:31:44 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: hugs!
[31/08/2015 04:18:22 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi, my dear Younshin, I am finishing a video about the first part of the project and I need you please send me the photo of your school shield. Thank you. [31/08/2015 04:19:21 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Is this? [31/08/2015 06:30:39 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi, Dora Inés. This is the symbol of our school. Yours looks great, by the way. [31/08/2015 06:35:52 p.m.] *** *** [31/08/2015 06:36:22 p.m.] *** *** [31/08/2015 06:36:39 p.m.] *** *** [31/08/2015 06:38:47 p.m.] *** *** [31/08/2015 06:39:54 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hope these might help. L) [31/08/2015 08:32:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Thank you my dear friend. I could see the picture, but not the videos and Power Point presentation. It says "consignment was canceled by other person". ????? I don´t know what does it mean. [31/08/2015 08:35:45 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Could you please share this information again or by google drive. dorainesmes@gmail.com [31/08/2015 08:37:07 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I tell you that yesterday I finished the report of the advantages in english learning.
[02/09/2015 04:11:18 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Could you please tell me your school name? [02/09/2015 05:01:36 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh it's Sinam Middlw School. And I sent an email with files. Hope it works. :) [02/09/2015 05:02:27 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect. I am finishing the video in which describes the first part of our project. [02/09/2015 05:02:45 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Middlw is righ? [02/09/2015 05:02:55 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Typo - Sinam Middle School. [02/09/2015 05:03:12 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hands are shaking haha. [02/09/2015 05:03:36 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: ;) [02/09/2015 05:04:01 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: excuseme, is this public or private school? [02/09/2015 05:04:49 p.m.] Younshin Kim: It's public school. [02/09/2015 05:08:52 p.m.] Younshin Kim: One question. Would it be possible to eliminate some of my students? Maybe 3 or 4 of them need to be taken out for themselves and your students as well. I feel so sorry that they are not available. [02/09/2015 05:10:16 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: no problem [02/09/2015 05:11:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have the same situation here. Some of my students have left the school or they are in other group. [02/09/2015 05:17:18 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh then we should regroup our students. [02/09/2015 05:18:36 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Now It is not necessary, because as I have more students than you, they can share information in pairs [02/09/2015 05:25:58 p.m.] Younshin Kim: I see. When would be our due date? I'd tell my students to write next theme on the flatform. [02/09/2015 05:27:04 p.m.] Younshin Kim: I meant a due date for writing the next theme. [02/09/2015 05:30:00 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have problems with your name, because here is Younshin Kim and in your email is Youngsin Kim, what is the correct one? [02/09/2015 05:31:01 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh I use them both, but Young Shin is the official one. [02/09/2015 05:31:45 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: ohhh, [02/09/2015 05:33:02 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: do you think I could write Youngsin Kim in the video? [02/09/2015 05:33:28 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Sure. I find no problem in it. [02/09/2015 05:34:20 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Sorry, is because I have finished and... you know.... it means edit and do it again. [02/09/2015 05:35:02 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Og pleaee don't worry at all. That's all fine. Korean and English sound doesn't match together so it happens. [02/09/2015 05:35:28 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Typos all around again haha. [02/09/2015 05:36:24 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I hope you like it! [02/09/2015 05:39:21 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Of course I d would do so. I'm just so appreciated for your great effort in our partnership.
[05/09/2015 06:39:30 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I share with you and your students the first video. I hope you enjoy it! [05/09/2015 06:39:34 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukBlNSiAHUs&feature=em-upload_owner#action=share [05/09/2015 11:21:25 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Thanks a lot!! It is a great celebration of our project and also gives a huge motivation to my students !! Watching your video, it brings me the memory of the time when the whole students were so excited doing the video chat. [05/09/2015 11:29:55 p.m.] Younshin Kim: You did so much for me and I owe you a big time. I'm so sure your devotion help students from both city develop a deeper sense of understanding to each other.
[15/09/2015 06:36:38 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear friend! [15/09/2015 06:37:12 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I would like to agree a meeting by Skype at the end of this month
[16/09/2015 09:07:38 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear friend, I have been gotten a personl who help me with the modem to have the meeting with you. [16/09/2015 09:08:27 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have already talk to a person who confirmed the service. [16/09/2015 09:08:54 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Now, I need we agree the topic they are going to talk about, how they are going to participate and the date. [16/09/2015 09:09:48 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: According with my schedule we can on Friday (here in Colombia) from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. [16/09/2015 09:10:12 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: We have been working in touristic guides. I don´t know if your students have seen some of them. [16/09/2015 09:12:21 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I really appreciate if you have another proposal your students deeply interest. [16/09/2015 09:12:32 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I look forward to hearing from you soon. [16/09/2015 09:15:03 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: It would be advisable at the end of September or the first Friday of October, because from 5 to 9 of October we don´t go to school. [16/09/2015 09:16:10 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hugs. (highfive)
[17/09/2015 06:31:48 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I mean we agree the date and the theme. [17/09/2015 06:32:45 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Friday, October 2nd, isn´t it? [17/09/2015 06:33:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: October 2nd in Colombia. [17/09/2015 06:33:08 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: right? [17/09/2015 06:33:35 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: before? [17/09/2015 06:40:01 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Right, but it is necessary to arrange the organization, the participants and the way to do it. It would be advisable pair meeting, but it depends on the time, number of participants and so on. Other way would be meeting in group, I mean students participate talking about any touristic place and show some pictures of that place. I am not sure. Accordint to your experience and knowledge of your group, what do you suggest. Or you can ask them how they would like to have a meeting. In that way it will be more useful. Isn´t it? [17/09/2015 07:00:55 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: That´s a good idea! Excuseme, what is Q&A time? [17/09/2015 07:04:23 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Yes, but I consider that it will be useful to have previous questions, it is easier for my beginning students. [17/09/2015 07:07:11 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: ;) [17/09/2015 07:17:23 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hummm, and if we think to divide the group. [17/09/2015 07:18:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Or to choose other hour, for example 2:30 p.m. here in Colombia.... [17/09/2015 09:21:13 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Let me talk to the students tomorrow, and I confirm you this weekend, right?
[20/09/2015 06:48:20 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin. I agreed with my students the meeting. [20/09/2015 06:49:17 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The first one is from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m and the second one is at 2:30 p.m. (in Colombia) the same day. October 2nd. [20/09/2015 06:49:42 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Tomorrow I send you the optional questions. All are focused on the touristic places.
[21/09/2015 08:31:29 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi Dora Inés. First I need to apologize for my confusion. I've just realized that 2:30 p.m is 4:30 a.m in Korea. I should've checked one more time not to get mixed up. 4:30 a.m is too early for my students, so I hope we can make one more adjustment. Plan B is to meet from 6:30 to 8:00 a.m in Colombian time. I understand you prefer 2 hours of meeting, but my school cut electricity at 10 p.m, which is 8:00 a.m in Bogota. I sincerely feel sorry for the inconvenience with rescheduling. [21/09/2015 08:33:35 a.m.] Younshin Kim: And please feel free to tell me your opinion on the meeting time. :) [21/09/2015 06:36:54 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Ok, my dear friend. Let me check. I have an [21/09/2015 06:37:26 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have a muscular spasm and I am at home. [21/09/2015 06:38:39 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Tomorrow I check it. I am sure it wont´ be a problem. We choose the best for both groups. ;)
[08:36:15 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Thank you so much. I'm very grateful for your kindness. By the way, happy birthday. ~!! [10:52:47 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: :) thank you.
[27/09/2015 03:29:16 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin [27/09/2015 03:30:23 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have been organizing the meeting [27/09/2015 04:26:49 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Tomorrow morning will go technical people to organize every thing for the meeting on Friday. [27/09/2015 04:35:17 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I share with you and your students an OVA, Virtual Object of Learning https://youtu.be/1667AaYvXNs [27/09/2015 04:35:24 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I hope you like it. [27/09/2015 04:40:19 p.m.] *** ***
Yes, I think making a video clip is a very good way to have a chance to use target expressions. Students seem to enjoy learning in your video clip. I was also pleased to see the beautiful sceneries of your school. It is a perfect video clip. :D
Dear Dora Inés. It seems the file named "Meeting by Skype" isn't downloadable. I would appreciate it if you could send it to me one more time. I guess it contains a group arrangement and schedule, doesn't it? So, I've just made a tentative schedule, including my students' name. Some students hasn't answered me, so there can be a little bit of change in the number of my students. (one or two, maybe?) I hope we can discuss the timing and the group arrangement soon.
I received the list of your students to work in the morning. Do you have another student list?
I send you again the list of the students and their touristic places.
I would like to know if finally we will be have two meetings.
First meeting - 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. (Colombia) Second meeting: 4:30 p.m. to 5:30. p.m. (Colombia)
Are these two hours right? I really appreciate you confirm as soon as possible, because I have to send a message to parents.
The purpose is that your student know the touristic places names and they ask at least two questionf for each place.
I suggest the following procedure:
1. Greeting 2. My students say: "My touristic place is ....." 3. Students from South Korea ask two questions about this place. (the list attached) 4. My students answer the questions 5. Your students talk about their touristic place 6. My students ask two questions about your touristic place. 7. Your students answer 8. Farewell
[11:13:19 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin I am traiding the Skype [11:14:07 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: we would like to know if the camera function
Hi dear Dora Inés. About the time arrangement, there must be some mixups between you and me. I feel terribly sorry that I wasn't very clear about my suggestion and my confusion at the beginning. What I meant at our conversation before was from 6.30 to 8 am in Colombia time. Since classes begin at 9 am in Korea, students normally comes school after 8 am. Even if they get up earlier than usual, I can't be sure they can show up at 6.30 am. Also 5.30 in Colombia seems to be a tough time for your students as well, considering your school ends around 1 to 2 pm. I hope this time gap won't be frustrating us and our students. I wish I could offer you a better option, but for now from 6.5 to 8 am (in Colombia) is only time when me and my students would be available. I deeply appreciate that you've already allowed us to make changes in the meeting schedule, and I really hope I am not being selfish in arranging the time.. Would you mind to reschedule our meeting one more time?
[01:32:36 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t worry my dear Younshin, I understand perfectly. It is normally in this kind of projects and activities. [01:33:40 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: If I understood well, what you mean is that we meet from 7 to 8 a.m. in Colombia (from 9 to 10 in Seul). Isn´t it? [01:34:39 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I repeat the message: [01:35:55 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I I understood well, what you mean is that we meet from 7 to 8 a.m in Colombia ( from 9 to 10 p.m. in Seul) Isn´t it? [01:41:27 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: It means that only 6 or 8 students could have exchange, right? [01:41:49 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: If you have another alternative, please let me know. Hugs.
[01:58:35 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Excuseme, what does 열1 mean? [01:58:50 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: What is your mother tongue? [01:59:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Is english your second language?
[05:23:05 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: My dear Younshin, I was thinking if it is possible for you have two computers connected at the same time, it means that two groups exchange information at the same time. [05:28:39 a.m.] Younshin Kim: If I use computer lab, it might be possible. I need to check next morning at school, though. I can let you know whether it works or not tomorrow. Would it be ok for you? [05:45:19 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect! [05:46:51 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I thought this because as we will have only one meeting most of my students (34) want to have the meeting. Here I will have two computers available.
Meeting by Skype [05:48:17 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Great! Oh I really wish it works in my class as well.. Technical issues always make me nervous.. haha. (whew) [05:53:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: really? I feel the same, it seems when you have a show and you rehearse hours and hours and the day of the show students forget it or don´t do as we wish. [05:55:53 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: In this kind of projects almost always teachers and students are nervours and we think to say many things and that day words don´t flow as we would like. But anyway we will try to de the best. [05:56:14 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am sure, as always, it will be a nice and amazing experience for all of us. [05:56:27 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hugs for you and your students. [05:57:59 a.m.] Younshin Kim: I totally agree with you. Meeting by Skype is just like a live show on air, which engages us in more depth. I guess it's about the time for you to start your class, and wish you have a great day. :) [05:59:54 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Right. Have a nice day, ups, night! jejeje. (rofl)
[01/10/2015 03:39:01 a.m.] Younshin Kim: hi, Dear Dora Ines. I checked we can use two computer and chat at the same time. And the other account ID is yswooltrakim. What is yours? [01/10/2015 05:00:14 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: dorainesmes [01/10/2015 05:07:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: the other ID is ingles20152015 [01/10/2015 11:13:34 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: are you connected? [01/10/2015 11:13:41 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Here I am with my students [01/10/2015 11:14:45 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Yes, I am home and I'm online. I'm so looking forward to seeing them in hours soon. :) [01/10/2015 11:16:22 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): I sent you an email with a file. I organized meeting groups and timings for each teams. If there is anything wrong, please feel free to tell me. [01/10/2015 11:17:24 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Oh I also sent you a friend request with my another account. [01/10/2015 01:41:25 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect. [01/10/2015 01:42:00 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I saw your list. I have to do come changes because some students can´t be on time.
Hi, Dear Dora Inés. There was also a change in my student list. One of my student (So Hyun Lee) in Team A who was a partner of Sofia and Quevedo told me she can't show up. So I grouped Sofia and Quevedo with another student, Jae Yoon Ko. If you don't mind, Jae Yoon will be chat with Buitrago, Sofia and Quevedo within 10 minutes. I'm sending you the file of the edited schedule. Then, see you soon.
[02/10/2015 05:07:47 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I received your last message. No problem. The idea is that they can exchange information and have the opportunity to share with you some minutes. [02/10/2015 05:09:51 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Education Secretary didn´t autorized to use two computers. It is a possibility a student lend me a modem, but it is not sure. [02/10/2015 06:33:09 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: hi my dear Younshin, we are ready [02/10/2015 06:39:31 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi I confirm that we have two computers [02/10/2015 06:42:33 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Perfect, we are all set, and my students are coming. Do you want to test a call? [02/10/2015 06:43:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: yes [02/10/2015 07:20:13 a.m.] *** Llamada perdida de Younshin Kim(Team A). *** [02/10/2015 07:20:56 a.m.] *** Llamada perdida de Younshin Kim(Team A). *** [02/10/2015 07:22:20 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Any problem? [02/10/2015 07:22:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: yes, we are trying again [02/10/2015 07:22:52 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: please call us [02/10/2015 08:23:59 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I don´t know if can l listen to me, THANK YOU for every thing [02/10/2015 08:24:31 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Thank you so much for all of your effort. [02/10/2015 08:24:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I hope you have enjoyed this meeting as we did. [02/10/2015 08:24:58 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): We did a lot! Feel so sorry about the video problem. [02/10/2015 08:25:11 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am sure it will be unforgottable for my students [02/10/2015 08:25:23 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: yes, but anyway [02/10/2015 08:25:48 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: it is normal in this kind of meetings [02/10/2015 08:26:15 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Thank you, thank you for your time. For me it has been excellent experience. [02/10/2015 08:26:35 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have class with other group. See you then. bye. [02/10/2015 08:26:54 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: (*) [02/10/2015 08:27:41 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Yes, hope you have a great day. See you soon, bye :) [02/10/2015 09:28:48 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): I was in a rush, because of building shut down, so I couldn't thank you enough. I really appreciate it that your students were very focused despite difficult condition. I'm just amazed by those little kids coming to school 7 am and participating in the conversation. I really, really admire your devotion and endless effort.
[25/10/2015 03:15:44 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: My dear Younshin, I was lost, jejeje. [25/10/2015 03:16:24 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am doing the video of the meeting. I would like to include Korean music. I invite you to share with me some links. Thanks.
[27/10/2015 10:50:32 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Hi,Dora Inés. I've sent you an email with files of the audio & video of the song. Please check your email, and let me know if you need anything. Then have a great day :) [27/10/2015 11:08:08 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Thank you my dear Younshin. I hoper to finish the video this week. My idea is include some places of Korea and some of Colombia. And insert music from both countries. What do you think? [27/10/2015 11:17:34 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I listened the song and it is great, but my question is. Is this song a representative of the culture or it likes young people?
Hi, dear Dora Ines. I've been also busy these days for the school festival, so I was quiet these days too. I think Gangnam Style is the most popular song last year. The singer's name is PSY who's known for his comical gestures and untypical outlook as a K-pop star. MP3 file is for a audio file and MP4 is a video format. I'm very excited that you are making a video and put a Korean song. If you have any questions on the song, please let me know. Then have a great day.
Judging song's effectiveness in representing Korean culture is a bit difficult for me, And Gangnam Style seems to fit into that category you mentioned.
But just in case you need another song, I'd like to recomment another song. This song would be less satirical than Gangnam Style.
It shows the perspectives of young generation who wants to resist to social conventions.
Your winter break come much sooner than mine. Well, I'll try my best to make it in time, but I'm afaid not to be able to do so. It would be great only if I have little bit of time to work on the video. Since we are taling about Christmas message, it would rather timely to send you around the christmas week, with some presents for your students through shipped package. When does your class begin after the break?
18/11/15 Hi, dear Dora Inés Thank you for your understanding. My students and I am planning to create a music video of Christmas Song with their greeting messages. Any way, I hope you have a great winter break. :)
25/12/2015 Hi, Dear Dora Ines. Thank you very much for your birthday message. My students made Christmas greetings for your students, and I attached the video clip. We also have some gifts for you. Please let me know your school address, and I'll send them to your school. If your school is closed in January, your home address will be fine. Then Happy Christmas and Happy New Year.
25/12/2015 Thank you my dear Youngsin. I hope you have a very Merry Chirstmas a happy New Year. Please, send a special message to your students. It was a wonderful experience for my students and for me. I hope we continue in communication next year.
03/01/2016 Hi, dear Dora Inés. Happy new year and may you have a great time in this beginning of the year. Of course I'd be very happy to continue in our communication. I've sent a package for your students a few days before. It will takes one or two weeks to get to you. And actually I've forgot to put some video clips in the video I sent you before. So I'm working on to editing it again. I will send you another full video of my students around this Friday. Hope you enjoy your day.
12/01/2016 Hi, dear Dora Inés. I hope you're having a great days. I'm also enjoying my winter break, yeah!! I finished the video, (finally!! >_<) adding some missed clips from my students. Hope you and your students enjoy this, and I wonder if the package with decorated pens and pictures has been delivered to you. Anyway, have a nice day. Regards, Youngshin
The Minister of Education in Colombia M.E.N opened a call two weeks ago for teachers who want to participate in the ICT Training for Colombian Teachers – Corea 2016", from 16 to of 27, 2016, in Incheon – República de Corea del Sur”.
I applied with the project we worked together. That is why, I request you, if it is possible, your school certifies we did the project together.
I suggest including the following information or any other you consider.
Name of the project: “Exchange in tandem by Computer-Mediated Communication for Learning English” Teachers: Youngshin Shin and Dora Inés Mesa Time: Academic Year 2015 Students: Different grades Schools: Sinam Middle School and José Manuel Restrepo IED. Thank you, so much. ML Dora Inés Mesa L.
Sure. I'm really happy to hear the good news. I'm wondering if there is any certification form and a recipient in particular. Shall I write a certification to your or any head of institution? 네이버 메일 앱에서 보냈습니다.
Dear Dora Inés. I'm sending you the certification letter. In Korea, only the first 7 numbers of personal ID are required. So I don't think the * marks will matter, but if there is any problem, please let me know.
I really appreciate your paperwork, however the purpose is a letter with information of your school. I mean, letterhead, address, email, and signed by the rector or equivalent person.
I am really gateful for your willingness. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Dora Inés Mesa L. On Tuesday (here in Colombia) I have the interview via Skype.
Dear Dora Inés. Thank you for sending me a certification form. I fill out the personal information. In Korea, the last six letter of personal numbers are usually kept only to the person. I think the first 6 numbers will be enough for you but if there is any problem, please let me know.
February 9, 2015
ResponderEliminarHello, Ms. Ines.
I'm Youngshin Kim from South Korea. First, Let me introduce myself.
I'm an English teacher in Sinam Middle School and in charge of connecting classroom. Last Year, I've worked with one teacher from Sri Lanka through British Council and it was a wonderful experience for me and my students to learn south east Asia. My students believe in multiculturalism and very open-minded. (I attached some photos of our activity.)
I wish my students better know about South America this year and I was lucky to be able to contact you through British Council's Connecting Classroom page. So I'd like to suggest an online partnership with you. My students will do some research on Colombia (from tradition to current issues) and be able to send your pupils letters and essays to introduce Korea and research findings. And I think students in both schools will benefit from it.
We can discuss further activities together. If you are interested, please let me know.
Youngshin Kim
February 10, 2015
ResponderEliminarHello Youngshin Kim:
For me is a huge pleasure you have contated me. Let me introduce myself.
I am an english teacher at José Manuel Restrepo school in Bogotá D.C. Colombia. This year I am working with sixtth grader´s students (10 to 13 years, boys and girls). In 2012 I worked with some students from New Zealand. It was a great experience for both groups, because they learned spanish and my students learned english. We used a platform from Auckland university. They both sent texts in their target language and the other group made corrections of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It was marvelous, because they also had two meeting by Skype, at the beginning and at the end of the year. I did a research project with that information.
This year I have improved the strategy and the instruments (documents). I enclosed the schedule. Any comment from will be well-accepted.
I send the schedule of the activities we could do together, but of course we could agree to do any change.
My students are cheerful to have this experience. I share with you two videos of our project and I am sure it would be the best opportunity to know about your culture and you know about us too.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Colegio Bilingüe en Bogotá
Video Canal Capital
Dorainés Mesa
José Manuel Restrepo School
Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
February 11, 2015
ResponderEliminarHello, Inés Mesa.
I've got your plan and it would work perfect for me.
Thank you very much!
And I watched videos you sent me. Your students looks so bright and happy to be in your school. Me and my students are so excited to start the projects. I've attached a file of my student's introducing our school school and also shared it through Google documents.
You can contact me through Facebook, if you find it convenient. "wooltrakim@naver.com" is my Facebook account.
I wonder about your schools academic schedules, such as vacation when you and your students are off the town.
Mine is July 20 to August 18 and Dec 29 to March 2. (We are on spring break now.)
Just to friendly remind you; Although I worked with a teacher in Sri Lanka, I am South Korean teacher and teaching students in South Korea. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about it. :)
Anyway, I'll be ready to exchange students' information by next week. Please let me know if anything to discuss.
Sincerely, Youngshin
Sinam Middle School,
Seoul, South Korea.
Hi dear Youngsin:
ResponderEliminarI told my students about you and your students, they are excited!!
If you agree we could record a short video with our students sending a message for the other group. It could be at least two minutes.
My students are from 601 grade.
School José Manuel Restrepo.
Location, Bogotá, Colombia
We would do the same four yours. If you agree, please send me some information about your students, and the name of the city where you are. I send you the test I applied to my students.You could do it or other one you consider convenient. The purpose is "to know the english level" of each one and organize the diadas/couples. When you have the results, please send me the information and I will return the list with the results of both groups.
I usually send a message to parents telling them about the project and asking for their permission for taking photos and videos of their children. I would like to know if your students speak english or they are learnign that language. In our case my students speak spanish and they are learning english as a second language. They have five hour a week, and our school is part of the bilingual program in our city. There are around ten schools in this oficial program. I have forty students in each group and I have six groups (601, 602, 603, 701, 702, 703). We are going to work with 601. There are 18 girls and 22 boys.
I sent a message to British Council consultan, in order to organize the project in the platform. As soon I receive information, I will tell you.
Always is great receive any news from you!!
P.S. you can just call me DoraInés.
M.L. Dora Inés Mesa L.
José Manuel Restrepo IED
Dear. DoraInés
ResponderEliminarHi, DoraInés.
I love your idea. Since this week will be Korean national Holiday and my students are going to gather with their family members, they will be able to make some videos on their family and Korean tradition. As soon as they are done with it, I'll share it with you.
My students are from 7th to 9th graders and they are speaking Korean and learning English as second language. Most of them are intermediate to advanced level on their age. And they are from different class since I recruited a team of students who are particularly interested in global citizenship.
I have a short videoclip my students have once made lst year, and share it through google drive. Please let me know just in case it doesnt work for you.
Dear DoraInés
ResponderEliminarAs spring break is almost over, my students are sending me the video they made. I asked them to finish their video up until this weekend, and the videos will be either about themselves or Korean culture. Some students have already done it, so I attached the file they gave.
I will send you more as soon as they hand in. Please let me know if you have any problem to play the files.
I hope to be hear from you soon.
Have a great day, Bye~!
Hi, DoraInés
ResponderEliminarThere are more videos my students are submitting. I attached the files. Hope your students enjoy them.
Have a great day.
Dear. DoraInés
ResponderEliminarYes, I am happy to have a Skype meeting with your class. I'm sure my students will be so excited when I tell them this news. As for as the day, let me discuss with them tomorrow and and tell you right away. I'm sending the files and an Excel file with the list of students who produced the video. (And some of them might be overlapped with those you've already got.)
So far, I have 10 students' video, and each file is named after the producing student's name.
Hope every video-clips works well.
Oh, and do you know how to use Google Drive? We can share the videos through it, so just in case the files in this email don't work out, I'll share the videos with you through Google Drive.
Actually, there are a few more students who are supposed to submit the video, but I guess they are a bit late.
So I'd be grateful if you could wait for them til this weekend. As soon as I get theirs, I'll send them to you.
I'm looking forward to meeting you soon online.
Sincerely, Youngshin
Hi dear Youngshin:
ResponderEliminarI received the first video sent on February 16th. But you sent me another one, didn´t you? I saw it, but sicerely I didn´t download and now I don´t find it. It is about a girl who is talking about Colombia.
I am doing a video in which my students tell you about our country.
I hope to send it next week.
I really appreciate if you send to me the list of your students. My students have writen down a letter for them. It would be greatful if they know their names.
I propose to have the first meeting by Skype in March. It could be any day from Tuesday to Thursday (in Colombia). As you have 14 hours more than us it could be at 5:00 p.m ( in Colombia) and 7:00 am. in South Korea.
Please tell me if you agree and when it could be held (day and hour). As soon as I receive your confirmation I ask the principal and the coordinators to organize the event.
I am working on the platform Moodle to organize the groups (pairs) to have an space for working together. It is another reason I need the list of your students. I send to you the list of my students with the results of the english diagnostic test.
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best Regards for all of you!
Dora Inés Mesa López
School José Manuel Restrepo IED
This message was sent on February 23, 2015 by Skype.
ResponderEliminarMy students are sending me the files to introduce themselves and Korean traditional holiday. I'll send it to you whenever I've got them. And this file is from Ryu Jae Won, a girl in my connecting room class. Hope you enjoy it! Oh, if you can't open the page, please let me know.
It is no Skype, is Facebook.
EliminarSending by Skype
ResponderEliminarDear Youngshin:
I want to comment something about the communication among our students.
As It is probably that our students want to communicate by Facebook, I would recommend you say that it is not allowed, you know for their security and because the purpose is they are guided in this process. Do you agree?
It is no Skype, is Facebook.
EliminarDear Youngshin:
ResponderEliminarI received 9 and 4 vídeos, but I only could open two:
Do Yeon Kim & Park Si Yeon
We could try by Google Drive. I couldn´t download the video you sent by Facebook.
This experience has been marvelous for all of us.
Have a nice day!
Dora Inés Mesa L.
February 27, 2015
ResponderEliminarHi dear Youngsin:
I am sorry, in the last email I sent another file. This is the students´s list with the results of the pretest. I really appreciate if you please, write down your students name in from of each one of mine.
As I told you it encourages them to communicate and send messages.
I lood foward to hearing from you soon.
Hi, Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarSo far, I've uploaded 14 video clips on Google Drive and shared it with you. You can download the files and we can edit them together. To play these video clips, you might need "video player for all files", such as GOM Media Player.
You can download it in the following page; "http://download.cnet.com/GOM-Media-Player/3000-13632_4-10551786.html"
I hope it works well this time, but if not, please tell me. There is also a documents containing my students' names.
I realized that I have only 16 students in the club for now. But as a spring semester begins in March, we are planning to recruit more students and there will be 25 to 30 students in the group.
Lastly, as for our first Skype meeting, I'd like to suggest either March 23, 5 PM in Columbia ( March 24, 7 AM in Korean time) OR March 24, 5 PM in Columbia (March 25, 7 AM in Korea). Please let me know if it works for you.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Youngshin Kim
Hi dear Youngshin:
ResponderEliminarI have received 12 videos and one by Facebook ( I have not download this one, because it says that it is too hevavy, but I saw it anyway). The others I am going to download. It seems I won´t have problems.
I was working with my students last week recording some messages from them for you, but probably my USB has a virus and they are trimed. I hope I can solve this problem and can send you the video. I am sure you will like it.
About the Skype meeting I think we could have it in any date you propose, but first I have to confirm with the principal and parents,
because students shift is from 6:30 am. to 2:30 pm and some of them live far from the school. I confirm you next week.
Humm, I didn´t receive your list, probably you didn´t attached. Did you?. About the number of students no problem it is normal in this kind of projects. My students have seen the videos of Do Yeon Kim and Park Si Yeon. They have enjoyed this kind of activities and have learned about your culture.
Have a nice weekend!
Doraines Mesa
March 2, 2015
ResponderEliminarHello dear, Dora Inés.
I've visited the blog and it's a beautiful place to work together. I appreciate very much for your hard work. I've got three more videos from my students so I shared them as well with you.
Also, student list is attached as file.
Then have a nice day.
Best Regards,
March 3, 2015
ResponderEliminarHi dear Youngshin: I have received 12 videos and one by Facebook ( I have not download this one, because it says that it is too hevavy, but I saw it anyway). The others I am going to download. It seems I won´t have problems. I was working with my students last week recording some messages from them for you, but probably my USB has a virus and they are trimed. I hope I can solve this problem and can send you the video. I am sure youwill like it. About the Skype meeting I think we could have it in any date you propose, but first I have to confirm with the principal and parents, because students shift is from 6:30 am. to 2:30 pm and some of them live far from the school. I confirm you next week. Humm, I didn´t receive your list, probably you didn´t attached. Did you?. About the number of students no problem it is normal in this kind of projects. My students have seen the videos of Do Yeon Kim and Park Si Yeon. They have enjoyed this kind of activities and have learned about your culture. I share with you the blog I created for our project. Please, tell me if you have any problem to open it.http://linguisticinterchange.blogspot.com/2015/02/south-korea-sinam-middle-school.html?showComment=1425144188607#c4678079939676054165 .
Have a nice weekend!
Doraines Mesa
Hi dear Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarHow have you been?
For me, the spring semester began a week ago, so the school has been quite busy. Last time I got your email, you told me that you are having a technical problem to solve. I hope it turns out well and we can keep proceeding our project.
If time difference would be the problem, I think we can communicate by meeting up in 8~9PM (in Korea) and 6~7AM(in Columbia), since your students' shift is from 6:30 AM. And we can still work through the blog and share videos first.
I hope I can hear from you soon.
Have a wonderful day.
Best Regards,
Dear Youngsin Kim.
EliminarI apologize for my long silence.
This week we had the firts meeting with Belaurs students, so it was too hard to organize everything.
According to your email from March 9, 2015 about our meeting by Skype...
"If time difference would be the problem, I think we can communicate by meeting up in 8~9PM (in Korea) and 6~7AM(in Columbia), since your students' shift is from 6:30 AM. And we can still work through the blog and share videos first."
I agree it will be held from 6:30 a.m, in Colombia. I suggest you to do it on March 20.
As it is the first meeting among our students, I suggest some questions for both groups.
1. What´s the typical food in South Korea / Colombia
2. What festivities do you celebrate?
3. What is your school´s name?
4. What time is it in South Korea/Colombia?
5. What is the numeric system in S.K.
6. How many religions are there?
7. What is your favorite movie?
8. What sport do you practice?
9. How do you say "hello" in korean?
If you agree, or have any other idea please tell me. Please confirm me this weekend.
I look forward for hearing from you soon!
My students have been seeing the videos. They have enjoyed and learn about you.
A big hug for you and your students!
ML. Dora Inés Mesa L.
Dear Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarThank you for your reply.
I worried a bit, but I totally understand that you were very busy to work on both two partner schools.
First of all, 7~10 of my students will be able to show up on Friday evening(March 20, 8:30 PM in Korean Time) and join in Skype meeting.
Second, a little problem here was,, I wasn't sure if our project is going to be continue or not, so I wasn't able to ask our technicians to fix the networking system. If I ask him to check the system tomorrow, it might take two~three days for us to get ready. So I would say, I think I can confirm you about our meeting date on Monday or Tuesday.
I know you are in hurry now to give a notice to your student ahead, but I would be grateful if you would wait for me just a day or two. Any way, It's been a real pleasure to be heard from you again.
I'll email you soon.
Then have a great day.
Hi dear Youngshin:
ResponderEliminarI understand your worry for my silence, but no problem, you know sometimes we have unexpected events, but the idea is to follow the schedule I sent you at the begining. You have is, don´t you?
No problem about the meeting. As soon as you confirm I tell my students. They are anxious about it.
What is your opinion about the questions. Do you agree? any suggestion?
I already have the video for you, from my students, but I have not yet upload to youtube. I hope to finish it today.
Youngshin, this project was planned to be develop during this year. Don´t worry if sometimes I don´t write you.
If you have any question don´t hesitate to write or send a message.
Have a nice week. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Hugs for you and your students.
Doraines Mesa.
José Manuel Restrepo School IED
Bogotá, Colombia
Hi, dear Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarI tested the network system and it turns out pretty well. I made a new Skype account and sent you a contact request. So I'm OK with meeting up on Friday 20. March, and Me and my students would be happy to answer to all those questions you sent me, and we'll get prepared to answer to them.
Since me and my students are doing a research project on Columbia, we might be able to bring up more questions next time.
And lastly, it would be a great relief if we can double-check the system a day or two ahead without students.
So I hope we can have a very short meeting online on Wed. 18 or Thurs. 19, if possible? (If not, it's OK.)
I'm sure it won't take too long., just one or two minutes to make sure everything works well.
If it works for you, please let me know what time you are available.
Then have a great day and I'm very looking forward to our first meeting.
P.S. I shared another video through Google Drive. It's part of my students research project on comparing Columbia Korean culture, There are more group of students who are going to have a presentation on it, and I'll share the video whenever it's done.
Youngshin Kim
Hi dear Dora Inés
ResponderEliminarI'd just like to confirm our meeting tomorrow March 20. I sent you an email about our meeting on Friday, but I couldn't hear from you. I hope we have no problem about this. Could you please let me know if there's any problem, so that I can fix it quickly. My students are so lookin forward to it. Hope to hear from you soon.
Regards, Youngshin
Dear Youngshin:
EliminarI don´t know if you received this message, I sent on March 16, but just the same I confirm the meeting tomorrow, March 20 from 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. in Colombia. Everything is organized to carry out this interchange.
I understand your worry for my silence, but no problem, you know sometimes we have unexpected events, but the idea is to follow the schedule I sent you at the begining. You have it, don´t you?
No problem about the meeting. As soon as you confirm I tell my students. They are anxious about it.
What is your opinion about the questions. Do you agree? any suggestion?
We have already done the video for you, but I have not yet upload in youtube. I hope to finish it today.
Youngshin, this project was planned to be developed during this year. Don´t worry if sometimes I don´t write you.
If you have any question don´t hesitate to write or send a message.
Have a nice week. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
For organization I recommend that both of us have the list of the students. As I have more students than you, I organized groups. Each group has maximum five minutes to interchange at least two questions.
My skype account is dorainesmes. If you have any question please don´t hesitate to ask me.
I look forward to meeting to you and your students soon.
Dora Inés Mesa L.
José Manuel Restrepo IED
Bogotá, Colombia
Dear Youngshin
ResponderEliminarCould you please confirm your skype account? My skype account is: dorainesmes
Thanks a lot.
M.L. Dora Inés Mesa L.
Meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminarHi dear younshin!
[07:13:06 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh Hi Dora Ines :)
[07:13:12 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: what time is there? Here is 7:13 a.m.
[07:15:07 a.m.] Younshin Kim: It's 9:13 pm here. Only a day is left.
Before I've got your reply today, I thought 1~2 students each are talking about one question.. ;(
[07:23:54 a.m.] Younshin Kim: So I asked them to prepare for only one or two questions. My apologies for the misunderstanding.
[07:24:36 a.m.] Younshin Kim: But they are fairly good in English, so they can immediately asnwer to all those questions.
[07:28:03 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: no problem, jejejeje. Humm, that´s the difference, you know my students are in sixth grade. I will invite some students of 11th grade, too.
[07:32:19 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Great! My students are now so excited and also nervous.We simulated the calll and practiced it once, and it was very funny to see their face. They are not used to this kind of activity.
[07:33:47 a.m.] Younshin Kim: And I will try to reduce time for me talking and give as much time for students. So I asked one of my students to do the opening and closing.
[07:34:35 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I think this will be a great opportunity to motivate our students to continue with this kind of learning.
[07:35:11 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes, sure. And we have tons of themes and ideas to talk about each other, don't we?
My students are conducting researches on Columbia thesedays, so they surely have manything to ask about your country.
[07:38:48 a.m.] Younshin Kim: This is my first time to use Skype in my class,, so I'm a bit worried. Have the network ever failed and the system didn't work on the right time of meeting?
[07:41:25 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: That´s true. That´s why I consider this experience is amazing, because in spite of there are internet and social networks, not all the time young people have the opportunity to contact pairs with out risks and with pedagogic purposes.
Youngshin, I hope you have a nice day, ops, not, night! (facepalm) See you tomorrow!
[07:45:40 a.m.] Younshin Kim: You too, See you soon! :)
Dear Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarThere are a few in and outs in my class. So I've updated the list. I didn't change the groups where your students are arranged.
See you in hours.
Best, Youngshin
Communication by Skype
ResponderEliminarThis is our final list. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. See you soon!
Younshin Kim
Hi dear Youngsin:
ResponderEliminarI want to apologize for my silence, the reasons are that I had some extra activities in the school and also this is Holy week so I had to do evaluations and reports last week.
Yesterday I was at Secretaría de Educación asking for helping with the platform, they will help me, but I need you please give me your students emails. Please, as soon as possible.
According to the schedule in April we are going to send our first message by the platform, so we need to agree the topic. I suggest "My best friend". We could work adjectives for personality, physical descriptions, opposites, colors, numbers, possessive adjectives and has got.
If you agree we can begin to work with our students these grammar topics. Or if you have any other suggestion, please let me know.
The objective is that when they send the message by the platform they have "learned" most of these structures and vocabulary. They also can add a photo or a video.
I send you the correction techniques, then I explain how to use them, and what each one mean.
As always, it is a pleasure to contact you. The meeting was wonderful for my students in spite of the conection problems. I am organizing the videos of our first meeting, I am sure it will be wonderful!
Do you have Holy week too? How do you celebrate it?
Have a nice week!
M.L. Dora Inés Mesa L.
José Manuel Restrepo IED
Bogotá, Colombia
Dear Dora Inés
EliminarHi, Dora Inés. How have you been?
I've been also busy for the first month of spring semester and want to apologize my silence, too.
I think teachers' lives are hectic whatever the country is, aren't they? ;)
About your videos, I can see how wonderful they will be. If I agree, why don't we share each other's videos we've taken?
They will be a good reminiscence of our first meeting. And I love the topic "My Best Friends" you suggested and I'm sure my students will do too.
As well as their friends' personality and looks, they would also be able to talk about what they do to hang out with their friends. (I'll leave this as optional). As for Grammar, I'll give my students a time to exchange feedback on each other's draft writing, so that they can self-correct the errors and make sure they learn the grammar points.
I attached the file that has e-mail addresses of my students except the last two from the bottom. but I'll let you know theirs tomorrow.
Then, wish have a wonderful day and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards,
My dear Youngshin:
ResponderEliminarPerfect! As soon as I have all the information I will send it to Secretaría de Educación.
I could see that you add some names to the project, wonderful!
The option you suggest is suitable for your students, taking into account they have higher level. It will encourage them to write more and my students to learn new vocabulary too.
I hope you have a nice week.
Dora Inés Mesa
José Manuel Restrepo IED
Bogotá, Colombia
Dear Dorea Ines
ResponderEliminarHi, Dora.
I've got email addressed from my students and attached the file. Hope I wasn't too late.
I have a few questions about the Doodle program. It seems I can download the program online to install it. What do I have to do after installing the progam? And does my students also need to install the program at home, if they want to work on the project after school?
As always, thank you very much for your support.
Then have a wonderful day.
Best regards,
Dear Youngshin
ResponderEliminarThank you for your information. It is not late, this week we didn´t go to school, so I haven´t the information of my students yet.
About the program Moodle, it is a platform, and we will create a course for our linguistic interchange inthis room.
When I have all the information (emails) of both groups, Iwill register them in the course and each pair or group will receive a username and password.
As soon I have the information I will send it. Don´t worry about it, probably it takes one or two weeks, because I will receive that information from the Secretaría de Educación Distrital.
It is not necessary to install the program.
Have a nice week!
Dora Inés Mesa L.
José Manuel Restrepo School
Bogotá, Colombia
May 3, 2015
ResponderEliminarI hope send you the tutoring to enter in the platform this week. I have personal problems, my mom is 86 years old and I have been with her in the hospital since May 1st. Doctors say that she has grievous bodily harm ;( .
With best wishes!
Dora Inés Mesa L.
May 3, 2015
Hi dear Dora Inés.
I'm so sorry to hear that your mother is unwell. I hope she gets better any time soon.
Please don't worry about our project. Me and my students can wait for you until things turn out well. Rather, we'd be really appreciated for you and your effort you put under such a hard circumstances. We just wish the best for you and your family.
So feel free to let me know what me and my students need to do when things get better. Hope you have nice day.
Kindest regards,
Mayo 23
ResponderEliminarHi dear Youngsin:
I apologize for my silence, but fortunately things are better. Here. I share the tutorial to enter in the course created by Secretaría de Educación in Moodle for our project. I recommend you encourage your students enter to confirm the username and password. If you have any problem please don´t hesitate to tell me, and I contact the person who helps us with this course.
If you don´t have any problem, you can begin with activities one and two.
Dora Inés Mesa
June 3, 2015 by Skype
ResponderEliminarHi dear friend!
[03/06/2015 06:06:40 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi, Dora Ines. I've checked up your email yesterday, so I sent you a late reply. I'm so sorry!!
[03/06/2015 06:07:29 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t worry that´s ok. The most important is that you can enter in the platform. Please, tell me if you have any problem.
[03/06/2015 06:23:50 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Ok, I'll check if it works right today with my students. Do your students have any other busy schedule this month? My students have final exam on the second week of July, so I hope they can upload their writing before July.
[03/06/2015 06:30:41 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: We are working to June 19, then they have two weeks free.
[03/06/2015 06:32:41 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: They begin classes the second week of July. I consider we have enough time to interchange their writings. After that we can think about the correction techniques. Do you agree?
June 3, by email
ResponderEliminarDear Dora Inés
Oh, I'm so sorry that I've missed your email and wasn't be able to answer. If you don't mind, I'll tell my students to do what you've told me and confirm their account.Students of yours and mine probably have many things to catch up to talk about their school days. Do you want my students to post some writings as soon as they confirm their account on Moodle?
And when do you expect both students exchange some of their writings, considering your class schedule?
I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Junio 3
Hi dear Youngshin:
It is a pleasure listen to you again!
According to your email you have the information of the platform, don´t you? I recommend you and your students confirm your username and passoword. As you you have done it you can enter and send the first and second message. I will send you the tutorial. It is important you have both information South Korea and Colombia, because after your students write the message, they have to enter in the account of his/her partner and correct mistakes. But this last activity is after they have
written the first and sencon message.
We keep in contact. Have a nice day and don´t worry we are right with the time.
I am organizing a video with our meeting, but it has been so difficult because the videos don´t have good definition.
If you have any videos I really appreciate you send me them. Also, as I told you my mom continue in the hospital, it has not been easy, but anyway do this kind of project is an incentive for me.
Dora Inés Mesa
ResponderEliminar[04/06/2015 07:25:16 a.m.] Younshin Kim: I agree. The second week of July sounds OK to me, though we are on the summer vacation.
ResponderEliminar[04/06/2015 07:25:16 a.m.] Younshin Kim: I agree. The second week of July sounds OK to me, though we are on the summer vacation.
June 7, 2015
ResponderEliminarDear Dora Inés
I really wish the best for your mother's fast recovery. I think there is nothing more important than family.
I checked all of my file, but I couldn't find the original version of video on our meeting yet. It must be somewhere, though, and I will send you as soon as I find them. And I have a question. I wonder if I don't need ID and password for the Moodle flatform. All of my students have their own ID and password and I confirmed it worked, but I couldn't find my own account. So would you let me know if teachers don't need them?
My students will be able to post writings over this week. I'll let you know when they've done it. Then have a wonderful week.
June 7, 2015
ResponderEliminarMy dear Youngshin:
Thanks for your words. Unfortunately my mom died last night. It´s so diffiucult situation, but anyway it is necessary to live the
mournign. Tomorrow will be the funeral rites. Tomorrow I will check your password and ID and I send you. Please, excuseme.
Next week I contact you.
Dora Inés Mesa L.
June 8, 2015
ResponderEliminarDear Dora Inés
I'm so sorry to hear your loss. I pay my deepest condolences to you. She has been and will be loved by many. It must be difficult time for you and don't worry about our project. Please take care and I'll wish the best for you and your family.
July 5, 2015
ResponderEliminarHi dear Youngsin:
After this long and painful recess. I would like to know if you and your students could enter in the platform. The intention is that our students use technology to share and communicate their messages.
I would like to have a meeting by Skype with you to agree on the next topic, students could write and to know if you want to do the research project, in this case it would be a pleasure for me to share with you the methodology to register the information and have quantitative results.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
ML Dora Inés Mesa L.
July 7, 2015
ResponderEliminarDear Dora Inés
I'm so happy to hear you soon. I was worrying if you are doing OK, and hoped the pain didn't hurt you too much. Any way, I wish the best for you and your family and I'm really appreciated for your hard work and devotion.
For now, some of my students already uploaded their writing in the platform, which means that they were able to enter it. And I figured the way I can enter the platform.
I'm wondering if your students could read the writing of my students. I mean, could you check up if you can see the uploaded item from my students?
As for the next topic, I'd like to suggest that our students write about one thing (It can be any object, people, art, etc) that can define who they are. For sure, I'm open to any other idea or suggestions from you and we can discuss it through Skype.
Would you be available on this weekend, Saturday or Sunday? If so, what time will be good for you? I'll look forward hearing from you soon.
Sincerely, Youngshin
ResponderEliminar[10/07/2015 06:53:46 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi, I sent you email a few days ago and I'm OK with skype this weekend. Please let me know what time will be good for you.
ResponderEliminar[11/07/2015 12:01:33 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi, my dear Younshin. Yes, I received it. I apologize haven´t say anything. I haven´t answer, because I was no sure to be at home. I will be at home today and tomorrow. It could be today at 8 p.m. (Colombia) or when you can. It doen´t matter. :). Please, tell what time you can. You can give two options.
[11/07/2015 08:02:22 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi dear Dora Inés. I've just checked your message. I'm OK whenever you can. I'll be online all day, so please send me a message when you are ready.
[11/07/2015 09:17:15 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: My dear Younshin to be honest I went to see some children playing in the park and I forgot it. But as I will be online too. In any moment we can talk and agree the activities we are going to do.
[11/07/2015 09:18:03 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: We were working in the platform correcting the text, but we didn´t see your students text. Did you type the text in the platform? didn´t you?
[11/07/2015 09:18:22 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Your student can enter to see our activity.
[11/07/2015 09:25:42 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh the children must be lovely. Ok let me check up. Would you give me 10 minutes to figure out what the problem is? :)
[11/07/2015 09:38:30 p.m.] *** ***
[11/07/2015 09:42:48 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Jae-Won Ryu, Hyun-Seo Kim, Yoo-Jung Oh, Jae-Hee Kim, Eun-Ji Kim uploaded something on their platform. And I'm hustling the
rest of my students to finish the work ;)
[11/07/2015 09:46:04 p.m.] Younshin Kim: And I can see the comments from Daza Laura, Larrota José-Gabriel, Ortiz Santiago, Reyes Laura, Martínez Luna.
Skipe - Colombia July 12, 2015
ResponderEliminar[05:23:09 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Good Morning Dear Dora Inés :) I realize that I can see all of your students work on Theme 1 (Personal Information). And some of my students and me are mixed up and upload to Theme 1 and 2 here and there. ;( Do I need any kind of process for confimation to make it present to yourside?
[05:28:15 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh gosh, and my students even uploaded to your platform, which is supposed to be for your students. Pardon me for all of this crazy confusion. Me and my students are learning how to use this system and after a few trial and errors, I'm sure we will figure it out.
[05:34:33 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t worry, don´t worry.
[05:35:06 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: All of as are learning. :)
[05:37:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Yes, of course. No problem. I have been working in this kind of projects and I always learn something.
[05:38:04 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: (since 2012)
[05:41:06 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: What I suggest is to decide and agree what we´ll do from now on.
[05:43:15 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 1. Students should have type their firt text in the platform.
[05:44:21 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 2. and the second text. My best friend.
[05:47:49 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes, I agree and I would love to proceed with variety of themes.
[05:48:05 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 3. The third step is identify the mistakes in the second text of my students using colors (my students did this excercise in their first text as an example).
[05:48:58 a.m.] Younshin Kim: OK, one question. Do they correct errors by themselves or check each other's writing before posting them?
[05:52:00 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: For example: I send you a message in the platform about my best friend. Then you check my message and identify my mistakes with colors.
[05:52:55 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Highlight with Yellow: (spelling and capital letters) .
[05:53:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 1. Something must be left,highlight it with red.
[05:53:46 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 2. Something is missing, highlight it with green and writing in brackets.
[05:53:59 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 3. Wrong order highlight it with blue.
[05:54:38 a.m.] *** ***
[05:55:41 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I suggest only use only 1 , 2 and 3 techniques.
[05:57:42 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh then, the partners are correcting each other's errors by commenting to each other, right?
[05:59:40 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Right, perfect!
[05:59:56 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The aim in this kind of activities is that students gain linguistic awareness.
Meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[06:00:47 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: They can upload photos or videos in each text (if they want).
[06:05:17 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: In this kind of activities texts shouldn´t be long. You focus them about any specific structure you want to improve or strengthen.
[06:11:04 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Understood. :) but would that be OK
for some students who have higher proficiencies to use wider range of structures?
[06:12:06 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: of course, you know, unfortunately (for this project) my students are younger.
[06:12:48 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: but, it is not a problem. You know in communication, probably you don´t understand some words but the most important is that you undersatan de message.
[06:13:08 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: "understand"
[06:14:08 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes, the older and advanced students (either mine or yours) can be a good commenter while the younger and beginner students can be a good audience who can encourage writing. So in that way they can both benefit from this activity.
[06:15:34 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Any way, I will make things more clear to my students that they need more focused on the language itself than before.
[06:16:09 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: so, it is!
[06:18:30 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Upcoming Thursday, I'll explain it and let them do it all again, because I wans't very clear about them. They are from different class, so I can meet them in the afterschool session once a week. Could you please wait until then? I'm so sorry for the delay.
[06:18:51 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Some benefits of this kind of projects is that from now on they not only think in the message, but also in how it was writtten.
[06:21:07 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t worry. I understand. You know that according to the schedule they would write at least three of four text. Here the aim is not quantitity is learning.
[06:24:11 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: That´s the reason I am doing this project the second time. The fist time was harder and I left somethings to do. I am sure you will do it the best you can. It doesn´t mean you don´t have mistakes, but it means you are learning. :) . T
[06:24:31 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Te biggest risk you have when you do a project is that you can learn something ;)
[06:25:14 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: "he"
[06:25:32 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: "The"
[06:26:59 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hummm, I am drowsy, jejeje. But no. Today I have many things to do at home. jejejeje.
I'm sure they can really engage in their writing and know each other in deeper way. After this project, me and my students wil be dreamed of going to Columbia. You must take some rest. I bothered you in this early morning. Then I think it's time to leave you alone. Let me talked to you next weekend to check the progress, if that is OK for you.
[06:31:46 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: perfect! no problem. It is always a pleasure have news from you.
[06:31:57 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Let me see I enter in the platform.
ResponderEliminar[06:32:01 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Just one more last thing to ask (So Sorry). My students reported that they couldn't log in today and saw this message. can you tell me what that means?
[06:33:08 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I will try, but if I can´t solve the problem I contact the person who administrate the platform and I tell you. Right?
[06:33:54 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t hesitate to contact me in any moment. I love this kind of activities and is a pleasure for me contact you!
[06:34:53 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: could you please tell me you username?
[06:35:41 a.m.] Younshin Kim: It's wooltrakim and password is Xwooltrakim@. I owe you a lot, thanks!!
[06:37:57 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I could enter in your course and in mine.
[06:38:07 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I will try with some of your students.
[06:38:46 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes I do and I was also able to log in my students account without any problem, but they told so.
[06:40:01 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Probably they don´t enter the password in the correct way.
[06:41:14 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I suggest my students to type the password in the username, copy it in the password and then delete X and @ in the username. In this case you spend one or two minutes more, but you are sure you type the password in the corret way.
[06:42:06 a.m.] Younshin Kim: OK I'll talk to them. Thank you so much !!
[06:44:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: O.k. I tried with five and all of them enter. Tell them, probably they don´t type the password in a correct way.
[06:44:52 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hugs. ;)
[06:45:23 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I look forward to hearing from you on weekend or before, when you need some information.
[07:03:22 a.m.] Younshin Kim: OK, I will. Then have a lovely weekend~!! :)
July 19, 2015
ResponderEliminarBy Skype
Good morning Dora Inés. For now, 16 of my students uploaded their writing about their best friends. (Rest of them are still struggling to use the flatform, but they will figure it out soon.) And I'm wondering how they can exchange their writing with your students. They are very excited about the idea of giving and receiving feedback from each other.
By Skype
ResponderEliminarGood morning my dear Younshin. Worderful news!
[09:58:09 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Which are the problems? May I help you?
As you know, each one has a pair the idea is that, example: You and me write a text in the platform and you correct my text and I correct yours. I would like we do practice first and then it will be easier for you explain the activity. Do you agree?
July 21st, 2015 by Skype
Yes I do and understand the idea. The thing is, it seems my students currently aren't able to access to your student's writing, which makes them unable to give a feed back. How can they gain access to your student's work? :)
Hummm, can they ente in their accounts?
[21/07/2015 11:53:13 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: No problem
[21/07/2015 11:57:40 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I wil send you a checking list to know who has upload text 1 and 2
[21/07/2015 01:56:31 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I would like to know who has written a text in the platform to check if I can enter in both texts. Please give me that information.
[21/07/2015 02:01:01 p.m.] *** ***
[21/07/2015 02:01:06 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I use this checking list to comfirm who has done what.
[21/07/2015 07:16:05 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin, did you check the document?
Meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminarHi my dear Younshin, how about the activity in the platform? Could your students come?
[06:28:51 p.m.] *** ***
[06:28:54 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Good morning, Dora Ines. Sorry for the late reply. Here is the list of students who have summited. And I will keep hastling those who are proscranating.
[06:30:52 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Deep apologies for the delay. 11 students submitted for Text 1, 16 students have Text 2 done.
[06:36:22 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: No problem. The most important is that we can solve any problem we have.
[06:37:08 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect! good job!
[06:38:42 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Well, now I invite your students enter in the platform and check activity one of my students. There you will see an example of correction.
[06:39:16 p.m.] *** ***
[06:39:29 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I send you the correction techniques.
[06:42:11 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I would like you enter of the account of any of your student (document one, MY PERSONAL INFORMATION) and know if you can check my student´s document with the correction.
[06:43:08 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: *corrections
[06:44:46 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Sure, My ID is wooltrakim and password is Xwooltrakim@. And I once checked and found I had the access to your student's writing.
Meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminarExcuseme, humm, I am not sure if you undertood my suggestion.
[06:49:07 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: could you please tell me in your words what will you do?
Students from both sides will give feedback to each other and correct their writings based on the feedback, won't they?
[06:50:59 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh, you mean the structure of the writing?
[06:54:21 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Yes perfect, but message one will be corrected in pair with students of the same city. The reason is that they can practice in the first time with their partners.
[06:54:56 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The second message will be corrected in tandem (My students will correct your students text and your students will correct my student´s text). They can begin as soon as they want/can.
[06:55:34 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: About the correction techniques...
[06:55:54 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 1. I suggest they begin with the first technique.
[06:56:49 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: They can receive feedback from you or from their partners.
[07:00:02 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: When they know how to do it, they can continue with the next techniques. They learn quickly, I am sure it will be easier for them.
[07:00:31 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR ME IN THIS MOMENT is that they can see the example in text one of my students.
Then I must have missed the peer editing process between my pupils, right? Oh,, then in what way did you have your students give each other? Did they share their hard-copy of writing, correct each other's errors, and then upload the second-draft of writing?
ResponderEliminar[07:07:56 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: No, no, no. They correct the text in the platform directly. It is as document in word. They have all the tools to do it.
[07:08:40 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am going to send you a tutoring hot to use the tools, right?
[07:09:16 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: hot is a mistake, sorry
[07:11:53 p.m.] Younshin Kim: no problem, thanks any way. :) What I'm confused about the platform is,,, do my students have an access to other students in Korea, too? I mean... I thought the platform only allows students to give comment on students from different cities.
[07:13:24 p.m.] Younshin Kim: So if one of my students (Tae Gyu, for example) wants to correct the other (Syeon), then can Tae Gyu correct Syeon's writing in platform?
[07:13:35 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: No, the course has been created in order to work in pairs. That´s why if you see the list of your students you will find Group 1 , group 2, and so on.
[07:14:11 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Humm, I understand your question. Wait.
ResponderEliminar[07:15:44 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 1. When I say that your students can correct the texts among them I mean that for example we work together. So, we sit down and work in the same computer. You open your text (first text) and I correct your mistakes, in front of you.
[07:16:32 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The aim is that I can tell you your mistakes and you learn from my feedback, right?
[07:17:20 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: 2. Then, I open my text and you do the same activity.
[07:18:48 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have implemented this first activity, because as I told you in the first experience/project I did three years ago, I had the problem that the students didn´t understand the strategy of correcting mistakes.
[07:22:15 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: but with this strategy students have undertood it very well and quicly.
[07:23:24 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The idea is that when they correct second message, they can do it themselves.
[07:23:32 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Is is clear?
[07:23:41 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: is it..
[07:24:32 p.m.] Younshin Kim: I got it. Then since my students aren't in the same class and may not be able to work in pairs at the same place or time, I can think of other way. They usually work on this project separately at their own home, not in the classroom, I'll tell them to share their ID and PW and log in with each other's account. Then they will be able to correct each other's writing. And then, finally you and me share student's writing, right?
[07:26:53 p.m.] Younshin Kim: I must be a little bit to hurry wishing my students can exchange letters with your pupils. But I now understand the focus is on the Correction. It's all very clear :)
[07:27:17 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Well, to tell you the true it is not the idea, but as the circumstances are not the same in all schools it will be another way to do it. So, no problem. I would like to know then how was this experience for them.
[07:30:15 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Through correctiong techniques, they can build ACCURACY of their second language, and through exchanging writings, they will acquire FLUENCY. So every form of activities will do good for our students.
[07:30:49 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Right, but the most important objective is that they know what they are learning. It is not the same when the teacher correct their test of quizes. They learn about language and they can explain why the correct the mistake or why it is a mistake. That exercise makes them more aware and critical of their learning process.
[07:31:33 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: If you want I can share with you the charts for the analysis of texts.
[07:31:55 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am working in that.
[07:32:58 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Certainly, please. So you have the whole data of students' errors in L2. I'ts amazing!
[07:34:44 p.m.] *** ***
[07:35:02 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Next week I am going to apply the posttest
[07:35:41 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Last semester, I tried some peer-editing activity in my class. And I found it works OK with over intermediate level students, but those with lower capacity had hard time identifying the erros. I'm just wondering how you would address this problem?
[07:35:47 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The idea is that when we have the results of pretest and posttes we can compare the advantages in each measure.
[07:36:17 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I really like you do the same, and can compare how was the results here and there.
[07:36:51 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: You have to take into account that the activities in the platform are practices to learn.
[07:37:13 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The real evaluationl is when we apply the pretest and posttest.
Tomorrow I send you the tutorial about the correction techniques in the platform. I have been working in the analys of the text and I am a little tired. Encourage your students to correct their texts in pairs and I hope next week they can correct the second text of my students.
ResponderEliminar[07:42:37 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: If you have any question don´t hesitate to send a message.
[07:44:03 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Tomorrow I will work with my students and I will try they can correct some of your students´ texts. I will send you a message in the afternoon (Colombia) to tell you about the activity.
[07:45:07 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Finally, I would like we organize another meeting by skype with the students who couldn´t participate in the first meeting. The topic could be my best friend or the best place I like in my City or my country.
[07:45:29 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: It could be the first week in August.
Dora Inés: The meeting today was wonderful! I am learning from you too.
ResponderEliminar[07:52:02 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh It's you who teach me a lot of lesson. OK, then I'll tell you the list of participant by the end of this week. Thank you very much for your guide on this project. You need some rest after all the hardwork. I can have my students do peer editing among them, and also with your student. But considering I'm working on the project as a part of after-school-extracurricular-meaning-focused- activity , I'm afraid to tell I might not be able to have time to analyze all of my students' text and give you the data. But, I'll try to use the assessment tool you gave to me.
[07:53:30 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect! the analysis is optional for you. No problem.
[07:55:02 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am really happy to have the oportunity to do this project with you! Believe me. I am sure we will have the opportunity to share and learn many things. This is only the begining. :)
[07:55:34 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Have a nice "day"? jejeje and rest. See you soon.
[07:56:52 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Sure, and I really respect your passion on ESL teaching. Your students (and also mine) are so lucky to have you as a teacher. Then have a nice day and see you ;)
July 30, 2015 - Meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminarHi, Dora Ines. My students have been working for the correction techniques and I'm sending you the file for students list. I should apologize that there STILL are some students who haven't done it yet. (facepalm) But, most of my students are doing their best, although we are on the summer break and they are working on their own without my supervision. Since it's the first time thier using this method, so it may not be perfect but they seem to make progress. Some did a wonderful job, while some others not, but I'm gently asking you to know that we are trying hard to keep up the pace with your class and are very appeciated for you to give us this unique learning experience. By the way, many of my students are off the town next week, so I'd like to ask you if we can skype on the second week of August? One of the days from 10 to 14 of August, if it works for you?
Hi, Dora Ines. My students have been working for the correction techniques and I'm sending you the file for students list. I should apologize that there STILL are some students who haven't done it yet. (facepalm) But, most of my students are doing their best, although we are on the summer break and they are working on their own without my supervision. Since it's the first time thier using this method, so it may not be perfect but they seem to make progress. Some did a wonderful job, while some others not, but I'm gently asking you to know that we are trying hard to keep up the pace with your class and are very appeciated for you to give us this unique learning experience. By the way, many of my students are off the town next week, so I'd like to ask you if we can skype on the second week of August? One of the days from 10 to 14 of August, if it works for you?
August 18, 2015 - Meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminarHi, Dora Inés. How have you been? I suppose you've been busy these days.. My school just began the fall semestar, so It's been pretty hectic here as well. I hope everything goes well with your students and you. If there is anything I have to catch up with, please let me know. Have a good day!
August 19, 2015 - Meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[19/08/2015 04:57:10 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin. It is nice to hear that. I hope we can continuo working. I have been working doing the first report, it has been hard, because I have been statistics analysis and writing text, but any way I hope to finish it next week.
[19/08/2015 04:58:47 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: About the activities, my students did some videos about commom mistakes, but to be honest I haven´t organize them. As soon I have it I will send to you.
[19/08/2015 05:03:31 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Also, they are doing like touristic advertising about different places in Colombia.
[19/08/2015 05:04:36 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I would like to have another meeting by Skype, but next week I have a meeting with parents about grades and you know how is that.
[19/08/2015 05:07:23 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I was checking the platform but I couldn´t see all your text. I am will check them and tell you something about them. Humm, one thing, as you know my students are younger than yours they didn´t understand all the text. I recommend you, please, tell your students write shorter texts, you know my students are in sixth grade. Thank you for your message.
[19/08/2015 05:09:03 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: For now, I consider they can write and send a message about one of their favorite place in your city or county. A paragraph is enough.
[19/08/2015 05:09:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Have a nice day! ;)
[19/08/2015 05:11:41 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Yes, I agree. In the beginning of the project, my students had some misunderstanding about the project, as you know. So I'll tell them keep their writing short on next topic. By the way, Do you know Pernanto Botero? I heard he is from Columbia. THere is an exhibition of the artist in Korea, so me and my students are going to visit the exhibition soon. And we can write a letter to your students with greetings and the review of the exhibition.
[19/08/2015 05:12:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: fantastic!
[19/08/2015 05:12:47 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Do you think your students know about him or might be interested in the subject a little? :)
[19/08/2015 05:14:02 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Yes, here we have a museum of him. Of course!
[19/08/2015 05:16:02 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: at the end of the year, normally I organize a field trip, it consist on visiting some museums in the down town of the city and we visit Boteros museum, because there students meet foreing people and can talk with them.
[19/08/2015 05:23:19 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Perfect, we can also work on the theme of Columbian artist someday. My kids are so eager to learn more about Columbia. After visitng the exhibition, I'll ask my students to compare art works of each countries and send a handwritten letter to your students,,, And when we do Skype meeting, we can talk about the letter. It's just my rough idea, but,, do you think it will works for both of us? :)
[19/08/2015 05:28:51 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Sorry about the typos. Colombian artist, I mean.
[19/08/2015 05:29:49 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I agree.
[19/08/2015 05:29:58 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: It was nice to meet you!
[19/08/2015 05:30:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have to go out to the school.
[19/08/2015 05:31:44 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: hugs!
August 31, meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[31/08/2015 04:18:22 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi, my dear Younshin, I am finishing a video about the first part of the project and I need you please send me the photo of your school shield. Thank you.
[31/08/2015 04:19:21 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Is this?
[31/08/2015 06:30:39 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi, Dora Inés. This is the symbol of our school. Yours looks great, by the way.
[31/08/2015 06:35:52 p.m.] *** ***
[31/08/2015 06:36:22 p.m.] *** ***
[31/08/2015 06:36:39 p.m.] *** ***
[31/08/2015 06:38:47 p.m.] *** ***
[31/08/2015 06:39:54 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hope these might help. L)
[31/08/2015 08:32:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Thank you my dear friend. I could see the picture, but not the videos and Power Point presentation. It says "consignment was canceled by other person". ????? I don´t know what does it mean.
[31/08/2015 08:35:45 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Could you please share this information again or by google drive. dorainesmes@gmail.com
[31/08/2015 08:37:07 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I tell you that yesterday I finished the report of the advantages in english learning.
September 2nd, 2015, meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[02/09/2015 04:11:18 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Could you please tell me your school name?
[02/09/2015 05:01:36 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh it's Sinam Middlw School. And I sent an email with files. Hope it works. :)
[02/09/2015 05:02:27 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect. I am finishing the video in which describes the first part of our project.
[02/09/2015 05:02:45 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Middlw is righ?
[02/09/2015 05:02:55 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Typo - Sinam Middle School.
[02/09/2015 05:03:12 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Hands are shaking haha.
[02/09/2015 05:03:36 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: ;)
[02/09/2015 05:04:01 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: excuseme, is this public or private school?
[02/09/2015 05:04:49 p.m.] Younshin Kim: It's public school.
[02/09/2015 05:08:52 p.m.] Younshin Kim: One question. Would it be possible to eliminate some of my students? Maybe 3 or 4 of them need to be taken out for themselves and your students as well. I feel so sorry that they are not available.
[02/09/2015 05:10:16 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: no problem
[02/09/2015 05:11:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have the same situation here. Some of my students have left the school or they are in other group.
[02/09/2015 05:17:18 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh then we should regroup our students.
[02/09/2015 05:18:36 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Now It is not necessary, because as I have more students than you, they can share information in pairs
[02/09/2015 05:25:58 p.m.] Younshin Kim: I see. When would be our due date? I'd tell my students to write next theme on the flatform.
[02/09/2015 05:27:04 p.m.] Younshin Kim: I meant a due date for writing the next theme.
[02/09/2015 05:30:00 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have problems with your name, because here is Younshin Kim and in your email is Youngsin Kim, what is the correct one?
[02/09/2015 05:31:01 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Oh I use them both, but Young Shin is the official one.
[02/09/2015 05:31:45 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: ohhh,
[02/09/2015 05:33:02 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: do you think I could write Youngsin Kim in the video?
[02/09/2015 05:33:28 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Sure. I find no problem in it.
[02/09/2015 05:34:20 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Sorry, is because I have finished and... you know.... it means edit and do it again.
[02/09/2015 05:35:02 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Og pleaee don't worry at all. That's all fine. Korean and English sound doesn't match together so it happens.
[02/09/2015 05:35:28 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Typos all around again haha.
[02/09/2015 05:36:24 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I hope you like it!
[02/09/2015 05:39:21 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Of course I d
would do so. I'm just so appreciated for your great effort in our partnership.
September 5, 2015, meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[05/09/2015 06:39:30 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I share with you and your students the first video. I hope you enjoy it!
[05/09/2015 06:39:34 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukBlNSiAHUs&feature=em-upload_owner#action=share
[05/09/2015 11:21:25 p.m.] Younshin Kim: Thanks a lot!! It is a great celebration of our project and also gives a huge motivation to my students !! Watching your video, it brings me the memory of the time when the whole students were so excited doing the video chat.
[05/09/2015 11:29:55 p.m.] Younshin Kim: You did so much for me and I owe you a big time. I'm so sure your devotion help students from both city develop a deeper sense of understanding to each other.
September 15, 2015 - meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[15/09/2015 06:36:38 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear friend!
[15/09/2015 06:37:12 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I would like to agree a meeting by Skype at the end of this month
September 16, 2015, meeting by Skye
ResponderEliminar[16/09/2015 09:07:38 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear friend, I have been gotten a personl who help me with the modem to have the meeting with you.
[16/09/2015 09:08:27 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have already talk to a person who confirmed the service.
[16/09/2015 09:08:54 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Now, I need we agree the topic they are going to talk about, how they are going to participate and the date.
[16/09/2015 09:09:48 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: According with my schedule we can on Friday (here in Colombia) from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
[16/09/2015 09:10:12 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: We have been working in touristic guides. I don´t know if your students have seen some of them.
[16/09/2015 09:12:21 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I really appreciate if you have another proposal your students deeply interest.
[16/09/2015 09:12:32 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[16/09/2015 09:15:03 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: It would be advisable at the end of September or the first Friday of October, because from 5 to 9 of October we don´t go to school.
[16/09/2015 09:16:10 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hugs. (highfive)
September 17, 2015, meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[17/09/2015 06:31:48 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I mean we agree the date and the theme.
[17/09/2015 06:32:45 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Friday, October 2nd, isn´t it?
[17/09/2015 06:33:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: October 2nd in Colombia.
[17/09/2015 06:33:08 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: right?
[17/09/2015 06:33:35 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: before?
[17/09/2015 06:40:01 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Right, but it is necessary to arrange the organization, the participants and the way to do it. It would be advisable pair meeting, but it depends on the time, number of participants and so on. Other way would be meeting in group, I mean students participate talking about any touristic place and show some pictures of that place. I am not sure. Accordint to your experience and knowledge of your group, what do you suggest. Or you can ask them how they would like to have a meeting. In that way it will be more useful. Isn´t it?
[17/09/2015 07:00:55 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: That´s a good idea! Excuseme, what is Q&A time?
[17/09/2015 07:04:23 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Yes, but I consider that it will be useful to have previous questions, it is easier for my beginning students.
[17/09/2015 07:07:11 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: ;)
[17/09/2015 07:17:23 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hummm, and if we think to divide the group.
[17/09/2015 07:18:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Or to choose other hour, for example 2:30 p.m. here in Colombia....
[17/09/2015 09:21:13 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Let me talk to the students tomorrow, and I confirm you this weekend, right?
Sunday, September 20th, 2015, meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[20/09/2015 06:48:20 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin. I agreed with my students the meeting.
[20/09/2015 06:49:17 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: The first one is from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m and the second one is at 2:30 p.m. (in Colombia) the same day. October 2nd.
[20/09/2015 06:49:42 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Tomorrow I send you the optional questions. All are focused on the touristic places.
September 21st, 2015, meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[21/09/2015 08:31:29 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Hi Dora Inés. First I need to apologize for my confusion. I've just realized that 2:30 p.m is 4:30 a.m in Korea. I should've checked one more time not to get mixed up. 4:30 a.m is too early for my students, so I hope we can make one more adjustment. Plan B is to meet from 6:30 to 8:00 a.m in Colombian time. I understand you prefer 2 hours of meeting, but my school cut electricity at 10 p.m, which is 8:00 a.m in Bogota. I sincerely feel sorry for the inconvenience with rescheduling.
[21/09/2015 08:33:35 a.m.] Younshin Kim: And please feel free to tell me your opinion on the meeting time. :)
[21/09/2015 06:36:54 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Ok, my dear friend. Let me check. I have an
[21/09/2015 06:37:26 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have a muscular spasm and I am at home.
[21/09/2015 06:38:39 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Tomorrow I check it. I am sure it wont´ be a problem. We choose the best for both groups. ;)
Meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[08:36:15 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Thank you so much. I'm very grateful for your kindness. By the way, happy birthday. ~!!
[10:52:47 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: :) thank you.
Monday, September 26, 2015
ResponderEliminar[27/09/2015 03:29:16 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin
[27/09/2015 03:30:23 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have been organizing the meeting
[27/09/2015 04:26:49 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Tomorrow morning will go technical people to organize every thing for the meeting on Friday.
[27/09/2015 04:35:17 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I share with you and your students an OVA, Virtual Object of Learning https://youtu.be/1667AaYvXNs
[27/09/2015 04:35:24 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I hope you like it.
[27/09/2015 04:40:19 p.m.] *** ***
Tuesday, September 28, 2015
ResponderEliminarYes, I think making a video clip is a very good way to have a chance to use target expressions. Students seem to enjoy learning in your video clip. I was also pleased to see the beautiful sceneries of your school. It is a perfect video clip. :D
Dear Dora Inés. It seems the file named "Meeting by Skype" isn't downloadable. I would appreciate it if you could send it to me one more time. I guess it contains a group arrangement and schedule, doesn't it? So, I've just made a tentative schedule, including my students' name. Some students hasn't answered me, so there can be a little bit of change in the number of my students. (one or two, maybe?) I hope we can discuss the timing and the group arrangement soon.
ResponderEliminarHi my dear Younshin:
ResponderEliminarI received the list of your students to work in the morning.
Do you have another student list?
I send you again the list of the students and their touristic places.
I would like to know if finally we will be have two meetings.
First meeting - 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. (Colombia)
Second meeting: 4:30 p.m. to 5:30. p.m. (Colombia)
Are these two hours right? I really appreciate you confirm as soon as
possible, because I have to send a message to parents.
The purpose is that your student know the touristic places names
and they ask at least two questionf for each place.
I suggest the following procedure:
1. Greeting
2. My students say: "My touristic place is ....."
3. Students from South Korea ask two questions about this place. (the list attached)
4. My students answer the questions
5. Your students talk about their touristic place
6. My students ask two questions about your touristic place.
7. Your students answer
8. Farewell
Do you agree? I really appreciate your opinion.
Dora Inés Mesa L.
[11:13:19 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi my dear Younshin I am traiding the Skype
ResponderEliminar[11:14:07 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: we would like to know if the camera function
Hi dear Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarAbout the time arrangement, there must be some mixups between you and me.
I feel terribly sorry that I wasn't very clear about my suggestion and my confusion at the beginning. What I meant at our conversation before was from 6.30 to 8 am in Colombia time.
Since classes begin at 9 am in Korea, students normally comes school after 8 am. Even if they get up earlier than usual, I can't be sure they can show up at 6.30 am. Also 5.30 in Colombia seems to be a tough time for your students as well, considering your school ends around 1 to 2 pm.
I hope this time gap won't be frustrating us and our students. I wish I could offer you a better option, but for now from 6.5 to 8 am (in Colombia) is only time when me and my students would be available. I deeply appreciate that you've already allowed us to make changes in the meeting schedule, and I really hope I am not being selfish in arranging the time.. Would you mind to reschedule our meeting one more time?
[01:32:36 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Don´t worry my dear Younshin, I understand perfectly. It is normally in this kind of projects and activities.
ResponderEliminar[01:33:40 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: If I understood well, what you mean is that we meet from 7 to 8 a.m. in Colombia (from 9 to 10 in Seul). Isn´t it?
[01:34:39 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I repeat the message:
[01:35:55 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I I understood well, what you mean is that we meet from 7 to 8 a.m in Colombia ( from 9 to 10 p.m. in Seul) Isn´t it?
[01:41:27 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: It means that only 6 or 8 students could have exchange, right?
[01:41:49 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: If you have another alternative, please let me know. Hugs.
[01:58:35 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Excuseme, what does 열1 mean?
ResponderEliminar[01:58:50 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: What is your mother tongue?
[01:59:04 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Is english your second language?
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Eliminar[05:23:05 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: My dear Younshin, I was thinking if it is possible for you have two computers connected at the same time, it means that two groups exchange information at the same time.
ResponderEliminar[05:28:39 a.m.] Younshin Kim: If I use computer lab, it might be possible. I need to check next morning at school, though. I can let you know whether it works or not tomorrow. Would it be ok for you?
[05:45:19 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect!
[05:46:51 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I thought this because as we will have only one meeting most of my students (34) want to have the meeting. Here I will have two computers available.
Meeting by Skype
ResponderEliminar[05:48:17 a.m.] Younshin Kim: Great! Oh I really wish it works in my class as well.. Technical issues always make me nervous.. haha. (whew)
[05:53:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: really? I feel the same, it seems when you have a show and you rehearse hours and hours and the day of the show students forget it or don´t do as we wish.
[05:55:53 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: In this kind of projects almost always teachers and students are nervours and we think to say many things and that day words don´t flow as we would like. But anyway we will try to de the best.
[05:56:14 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am sure, as always, it will be a nice and amazing experience for all of us.
[05:56:27 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hugs for you and your students.
[05:57:59 a.m.] Younshin Kim: I totally agree with you. Meeting by Skype is just like a live show on air, which engages us in more depth. I guess it's about the time for you to start your class, and wish you have a great day. :)
[05:59:54 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Right. Have a nice day, ups, night! jejeje. (rofl)
Meeting by Skpe - October 1, 2015
ResponderEliminar[01/10/2015 03:39:01 a.m.] Younshin Kim: hi, Dear Dora Ines. I checked we can use two computer and chat at the same time. And the other account ID is yswooltrakim. What is yours?
[01/10/2015 05:00:14 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: dorainesmes
[01/10/2015 05:07:30 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: the other ID is ingles20152015
[01/10/2015 11:13:34 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: are you connected?
[01/10/2015 11:13:41 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Here I am with my students
[01/10/2015 11:14:45 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Yes, I am home and I'm online. I'm so looking forward to seeing them in hours soon. :)
[01/10/2015 11:16:22 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): I sent you an email with a file. I organized meeting groups and timings for each teams. If there is anything wrong, please feel free to tell me.
[01/10/2015 11:17:24 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Oh I also sent you a friend request with my another account.
[01/10/2015 01:41:25 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Perfect.
[01/10/2015 01:42:00 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I saw your list. I have to do come changes because some students can´t be on time.
By email
EliminarHi, Dear Dora Inés.
There was also a change in my student list.
One of my student (So Hyun Lee) in Team A who was a partner of Sofia and Quevedo told me she can't show up.
So I grouped Sofia and Quevedo with another student, Jae Yoon Ko.
If you don't mind, Jae Yoon will be chat with Buitrago, Sofia and Quevedo within 10 minutes.
I'm sending you the file of the edited schedule.
Then, see you soon.
October 2nd, 2015
ResponderEliminar[02/10/2015 05:07:47 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I received your last message. No problem. The idea is that they can exchange information and have the opportunity to share with you some minutes.
[02/10/2015 05:09:51 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Education Secretary didn´t autorized to use two computers. It is a possibility a student lend me a modem, but it is not sure.
[02/10/2015 06:33:09 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: hi my dear Younshin, we are ready
[02/10/2015 06:39:31 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Hi I confirm that we have two computers
[02/10/2015 06:42:33 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Perfect, we are all set, and my students are coming. Do you want to test a call?
[02/10/2015 06:43:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: yes
[02/10/2015 07:20:13 a.m.] *** Llamada perdida de Younshin Kim(Team A). ***
[02/10/2015 07:20:56 a.m.] *** Llamada perdida de Younshin Kim(Team A). ***
[02/10/2015 07:22:20 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Any problem?
[02/10/2015 07:22:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: yes, we are trying again
[02/10/2015 07:22:52 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: please call us
[02/10/2015 08:23:59 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I don´t know if can l listen to me, THANK YOU for every thing
[02/10/2015 08:24:31 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Thank you so much for all of your effort.
[02/10/2015 08:24:37 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I hope you have enjoyed this meeting as we did.
[02/10/2015 08:24:58 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): We did a lot! Feel so sorry about the video problem.
[02/10/2015 08:25:11 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am sure it will be unforgottable for my students
[02/10/2015 08:25:23 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: yes, but anyway
[02/10/2015 08:25:48 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: it is normal in this kind of meetings
[02/10/2015 08:26:15 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Thank you, thank you for your time. For me it has been excellent experience.
[02/10/2015 08:26:35 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I have class with other group. See you then. bye.
[02/10/2015 08:26:54 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: (*)
[02/10/2015 08:27:41 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Yes, hope you have a great day. See you soon, bye :)
[02/10/2015 09:28:48 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): I was in a rush, because of building shut down, so I couldn't thank you enough. I really appreciate it that your students were very focused despite difficult condition. I'm just amazed by those little kids coming to school 7 am and participating in the conversation. I really, really admire your devotion and endless effort.
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ResponderEliminarOctober 25, 2015
ResponderEliminar[25/10/2015 03:15:44 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: My dear Younshin, I was lost, jejeje.
[25/10/2015 03:16:24 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I am doing the video of the meeting. I would like to include Korean music. I invite you to share with me some links. Thanks.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
ResponderEliminar[27/10/2015 10:50:32 a.m.] Younshin Kim(Team A): Hi,Dora Inés. I've sent you an email with files of the audio & video of the song. Please check your email, and let me know if you need anything. Then have a great day :)
[27/10/2015 11:08:08 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: Thank you my dear Younshin. I hoper to finish the video this week. My idea is include some places of Korea and some of Colombia. And insert music from both countries. What do you think?
[27/10/2015 11:17:34 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I listened the song and it is great, but my question is. Is this song a representative of the culture or it likes young people?
By email.
EliminarHi, dear Dora Ines.
I've been also busy these days for the school festival, so I was quiet these days too.
I think Gangnam Style is the most popular song last year.
The singer's name is PSY who's known for his comical gestures and untypical outlook as a K-pop star.
MP3 file is for a audio file and MP4 is a video format.
I'm very excited that you are making a video and put a Korean song.
If you have any questions on the song, please let me know.
Then have a great day.
Best Regards,
Youngshin Kim
October 28, 2015
ResponderEliminarBy email.
My dear Younsin, I am doing the final slide of the video.
I would like to include a cartoon with your photo.
Please confirm if you agree. Feel free to accept or not. As soon as possible.
Thank you!
Dear Dora Inés.
EliminarI'm consent to the use of my photo. Please feel free to use it. I'm very appreciated abour your creating the video for us.
네이버 메일 앱에서 보냈습니다.
Hi, Dore Ines.
ResponderEliminarJudging song's effectiveness in representing Korean culture is a bit difficult for me,
And Gangnam Style seems to fit into that category you mentioned.
But just in case you need another song, I'd like to recomment another song. This song would be less satirical than Gangnam Style.
It shows the perspectives of young generation who wants to resist to social conventions.
Hope you enjoy it.
Best Regards,
ResponderEliminarHi, dear Dora Inés.
Your winter break come much sooner than mine. Well, I'll try my best to make it in time, but I'm afaid not to be able to do so. It would be great only if I have little bit of time to work on the video. Since we are taling about Christmas message, it would rather timely to send you around the christmas week, with some presents for your students through shipped package. When does your class begin after the break?
ResponderEliminarHi my dear Youngshin
I don´t have internet at home.
Don´t worry, about the time. Next year is ok.
Thanks for your words.
We begin classes again the second week of January.
I write you soon.
ResponderEliminarHi, dear Dora Inés
Thank you for your understanding.
My students and I am planning to create a music video of Christmas Song with their greeting messages.
Any way, I hope you have a great winter break. :)
ResponderEliminarHi, Dear Dora Ines.
Thank you very much for your birthday message.
My students made Christmas greetings for your students, and I attached the video clip.
We also have some gifts for you.
Please let me know your school address, and I'll send them to your school.
If your school is closed in January, your home address will be fine.
Then Happy Christmas and Happy New Year.
Youngshin Kim
ResponderEliminarThank you my dear Youngsin.
I hope you have a very Merry Chirstmas a happy New Year.
Please, send a special message to your students. It was a wonderful experience for my students and for me.
I hope we continue in communication next year.
My address is...
ResponderEliminarHi, dear Dora Inés.
Happy new year and may you have a great time in this beginning of the year. Of course I'd be very happy to continue in our communication. I've sent a package for your students a few days before.
It will takes one or two weeks to get to you.
And actually I've forgot to put some video clips in the video I sent you before. So I'm working on to editing it again. I will send you another full video of my students around this Friday.
Hope you enjoy your day.
Best regards,
ResponderEliminarHi, dear Dora Inés.
I hope you're having a great days. I'm also enjoying my winter break, yeah!!
I finished the video, (finally!! >_<) adding some missed clips from my students. Hope you and your students enjoy this, and I wonder if the package with decorated pens and pictures has been delivered to you.
Anyway, have a nice day.
ResponderEliminarHi my dear Youngshin,
I have good news!
The Minister of Education in Colombia M.E.N opened a call two weeks ago for teachers who want to participate in the ICT Training for Colombian Teachers – Corea 2016", from 16 to of 27, 2016, in Incheon – República de Corea del Sur”.
I applied with the project we worked together. That is why, I request you, if it is possible, your school certifies we did the project together.
I suggest including the following information or any other you consider.
Name of the project: “Exchange in tandem by Computer-Mediated Communication for Learning English”
Teachers: Youngshin Shin and Dora Inés Mesa
Time: Academic Year 2015
Students: Different grades
Schools: Sinam Middle School and José Manuel Restrepo IED.
Thank you, so much.
ML Dora Inés Mesa L.
ResponderEliminarDear Dora Inés.
Sure. I'm really happy to hear the good news. I'm wondering if there is any certification form and a recipient in particular. Shall I write a certification to your or any head of institution?
네이버 메일 앱에서 보냈습니다.
My dear Younshin
ResponderEliminarI send you and example of the document; of course, you can add or change information required.
Dora Inés Mesa
Dear Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarI'm sending you the certification letter.
In Korea, only the first 7 numbers of personal ID are required. So I don't think the * marks will matter, but if there is any problem, please let me know.
Thank you my dear Youngshin,
ResponderEliminarI really appreciate your paperwork, however the purpose is a letter with information of your school. I mean, letterhead, address, email, and signed by the rector or equivalent person.
I am really gateful for your willingness. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Dora Inés Mesa L.
On Tuesday (here in Colombia) I have the interview via Skype.
Hi dear Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarI added the information in the letter.
If there is anything to be correctrd, please let me know.
네이버 메일 앱에서 보냈습니다.
Dear Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarI'm sending you the certification letter.
If there is anything to be corrected, please let me know.
Youngshin Kim
네이버 메일 앱에서 보냈습니다.
Dear Dora Inés.
ResponderEliminarThank you for sending me a certification form. I fill out the personal information. In Korea, the last six letter of personal numbers are usually kept only to the person. I think the first 6 numbers will be enough for you but if there is any problem, please let me know.
My dear friend, thank you so much!
ResponderEliminarThings are going well.
I hope to overcome the expectations.
I will be in contact!
Dora Inés Mesa L.