lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

Linguistic and cultural Interchange

A great opportunity to enjoy and learn!

52 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. En este link están los registros anteriores que describen el inicio del contacto entre profesoras.

  2. Hello, Dora Ines Mesa!
    My name's Svetlana. I'm from Vitebsk, Belarus. My students (13-16 years old) will be happy to take part in tandem projects with yours.
    We also have some experience in participating in the International projects. We like the idea to exchange the information about ourselves.
    What we'll start with? We have a video about our school and our city. It was made by one of my students. You can watch it here
    We'll be happy to hear from you soon!!!
    With best wishes from Belarus.
    Vitebsk State Secondary School № 46
    Svetlana Abesadze.

    С уважением,
    Светлана Абесадзе

  3. 26- 01 - 14
    My name is Dora Inés Mesa, I´m a teacher of English from Colombia. I´ve got a group of 12-15 years old students eager to take part in an international project. We would like to exchange our ideas of family, pets, free time, the place we live in and other topics. We have experience in tandem projects. We participated in a project with students in New Zealand from different countries.
    Let us know if our idea is interesting for you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Dora Inés Mesa
    José Manuel Restrepo School

  4. 30 - 01 - 14
    Hi Svetlana:
    It was a pleasure for us to hear from you! My students (38) are 13-16 years old, boys and girds.
    My idea is that they could work in a platform, if you have one, or in an account in google docs. I am going to send you and example of the purpose of the writing activities.
    The first message could be about personal information, and the next we agree about the topics.
    I will be waiting your answer.

    Dora Inés Mesa
    English Teacher
    José Manuel Restrepo school
    Bogotá, Colombia

  5. 04 -02 -14
    Hi Svetlana Abesadze:
    We are waiting for your answer!
    My students are eager for your answer.
    They want to send a message to your students.

  6. 27 - 10 - 14
    Hi Svetlana:

    I am organizing my english project for next year. I want to tell you that I have already finished my master in linguistic and the project I did "learning english by tandem and computer-mediated communication" and I am going to continue working with National University and COLCIENCIAS a research organization. I would like working with you next year and have the opportunity to share this experience among our students. If you are interested I would tell you about the activities and work plan.

    Best regards.

    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  7. 27 - 10 - 14
    Hi, dear teacher, what do you think about my proposal.

    Best regards.

    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  8. 27 - 10 - 14
    Hi, Dora!
    I am happy to receive your invitation to participate in yuor project!
    We'll be glad to coopwork with you. And we're interested in the activities and working plan we're going to share with you!!!
    With the best wishes.

  9. 27 - 10 - 14
    Dear Svetlana:

    It is nice to have news from you!

    I am sure you will like this project.
    It would be wonderful our students have the opportunity to share information about our cultures and more! I am going to contact you in some days to tell you about the program and the activities we have programmed. Next year I am going to work with sixth graders, they are around 10 and 12 years old.

    Tell me about you, your school and your students.

    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  10. 07 - 01 - 2014
    Dear Svetlana:

    It is nice to contact you again!

    As I told you in October (2014) this year I will continue with my project of interchange by computer.

    I would like to know if you continue interested to participate. I have the program and the activities you would do with your students. Of course they could be modified if we consider necessary.

    Students here began classes on January 19, but the activities of the project starts in February. I am going to work with sixth graders (boys and girls).

    The idea is that they are going to contact by internet with our guidance. If you need any letter or certification of my school I send it. Some of the requirements is that parents must know about the project and have to authorise to take photos or share videos. I would send you the letter.

    I will expect your answer. As I told you before,I am sure you will like this project. It would be wonderful our students have the opportunity to share information about our cultures and more!


    M.L.Dora Inés Mesa L.

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. 08 - 01 - 2015
    Hello from Belarus!
    I'm happy, Dora, to get some news from you again. We'll take part in your project with great pleasure!
    Our students begin classes on January 12. I'll be waiting your insructions with impatience. Our head-master
    knows that we're going to take part in the project with you. Our students're looking forward to get acquainted with
    yours. They like to make new friends. I'm waiting the news from you!
    With best wishes,

  13. 09 - 01 2015
    Dear Svetlana:

    Wonderful! I am sure we will enjoy this experience and and simultaneously we are going to learn about our countries and cultures.

    In the first part I am going to send you the program I organized to develop during the year, probably we have to change some activities or dates, no problem. If you have any suggestion or question, perfect!

    Please tell me the name of your school. In our case I am going to write, José Manuel Restrepo - Colombia (JMR-COL).

    Best Regards.

    M.L. Dora Inés Mesa López
    José Manuel Restrepo IED School

  14. Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:26:41 -0500 от Dora Inés Mesa :

    Hi dear Svetlana:

    Did you received my plan activities? What do you think about it?

    I send you the link of the British Council platform.
    The objective is that we find together there and have space to work our project.
    You register and in MY SCHOOL PROFILE "you upload a letter written on headed paper and signed by your head teacher to confirm your name and position and showing the name of the school. This is to ensure the security of our Schools online website".
    This a request from British Council.

    Please tell me when you have done it!

    This is one option to find together in the platform. I use this option, because we don´t have platform, but if you have in your Institution one, we can use it.

    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  15. 2015-01-20 2:55 GMT-08:00 Светлана Абесадзе :
    Hello, Dear Dora!
    I've studied your plan activities and should say that I like it very much.
    I've regestered on the British Council platform. My account is Svetlana Abesadze
    and I've also registered MY SCHOOL PROFILE in my account. (It was approved)
    And what should I do now? I'm looking forward the news from you.
    With best wishes,

  16. February 4th, 2015
    Hi dear Svetlana!

    Did you receive the information I send you on January 13th?

    This is the record of the activities we should do up to day.

    Svetlana Abesadze
    1. Register in the platform School on line
    2. 2. It is up to you. It helps you to recognize the english level of each student.
    3. It is not mandatory for you.
    Dora Inés Mesa
    1. Register in the platform School on line
    2. Apply the diagnostic English test
    3. Results of the diagnostic test to know level of each student.
    4. Organize diadas according to the students English level. I wait this information from you.

    I will wait any question you have. During this month I will be working in the platform (School On-line) to organize the groups (two students for each one).

    I would like to have a meeting with you by Skype. I don´t know what is the difference of hours in real time. But it won´t be problem. Please, tell me when you have time.


    Dora Inés Mesa L.
    English Teacher
    José Manuel Restrepo IED
    Bogotá D.C.

  17. February 10th, 2015
    Hi dear Svetlana:

    I have been looking for your school name in School On-line, but I don´t find it.
    Could you please tell me your name school?

    I would like how it has gone with the documents a sent you.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thank you.

  18. February 11th, 2015
    Hello, dear Dora!
    Sorry for my long silence. We've done the diagnostic tests
    and the most part of our students've written the letters to yours.
    I'd like all of our students to write the messages to yours and then send them to you.
    The problem is that in our project students from different classes'll take part.
    During our English lessons each class is devided into 2-3 groups. So I've asked my
    colleague to help me to find a pair for each of your student. Is it OK?
    Her first name's also Svelana and the second is Moroz (she's registered in the British Council platform)
    I'll try to finish with our letters as son as possible!

    The name of our school is Vitebsk State Secondary School № 46.

    With best wishes,

  19. February 12th, 2015
    Buen día Catalina:

    Me escribió Svetlana y me dice que el nombre del colegio es
    Vitebsk State Secondary School № 46. El nombre de la profesora es

    Me gustaría saber si es posible contactarme con una persona que maneja la plataforma de School On-line para saber cómo debo organizar las páginas para el envío de los textos de cada diada de estudiantes.

    En el transcurso de la otra semana tendré la lista del grupo de Belrusia.

  20. Hello, Dear Dora!
    How're you?
    We're suffering from a big epidemie of Grippe. So I had to stay at home for almost 2 weeks. A lot of our students fell ill.
    But now the situation is rather better.
    I'm sending you the results of the tests and the most part of the letters. Some more letters we'll send a bit later.
    Have you found our shool profile? I'll try to send you the video about our school and a bit about our city.
    Let me know if you get it. This video was made by one of my former students (he finished school last year). He's a very talented photographer.
    I'm wating the following insructions and new information from you.
    May be next week we'll meet in skype? Is it possible? The difference in time is 7 hours (when it's 14.00 in Vitebsk, in Bogota it's 7.00). I'm wating the news from you with great impatience!!!
    Best regards!!!
    С уважением,
    Светлана Абесадзе

  21. Hi dear Svetlana:

    I received your letters and the list. My students are "crazy" and delighted with the messages.
    They are writing their own messages to send you this week. Last week we went to the park near the school to take some photos and do videos. I hope I can send it this week.

    Regarding to the Skype meeting we consider it will be on Monday 8 or 15 of March, at 7:00 am. in Colombia and at 2:00 p.m. in Belarus. Please confirm the day and hour. If you agree, I propose for this first meeting students talk about personal information, such as, name, age, hobbies, and family. And some questions about pets, likes and dislikes.

    I am working in Moodle platform organizing the groups. As soon as it will be ready I tell you.
    I opened a blog for our project. I have registered our messages there. It would be nice to post some pictures or our groups.

    I would like to know your opinion.

    Have a nice week!

    Doraines Mesa

  22. March 2nd, 2015
    Hi dear Svetlana:

    I am trying to conect to Skype, please tell me your count.
    Dora Inés Mesa

  23. March 3rd, 2015
    Hi dear Svetlana:

    I need you please confirm our meeting by Skype on Monday 9, at 7: 00 am. in Colombia and at 2:00 p.m. in Belarus.
    Please, as soon as possible is better.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon!
    M.L. Dora Inés Mesa L.

  24. Hi, dear Dora!
    We confirm our meeting by skype on Monday 9, at 7: 00 am. in Colombia and at 2:00 p.m. in Belarus.
    Is it necessary to involve all the participants of the project in this meeting?
    My school skype address is...
    Find please this address and add us in your contacts.
    Hope to meet you soon!

  25. Carlos Parra - Rector
    Wilson Pérez - Hugo Sastoque & Herbert Vargas

    Cordial saludo:

    Les confirmo el encuentro por Skype con los estudiantes del curso 603 y los estudiantes de Belarus.
    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  26. Hello, Dear Dora!
    The idea is great and the suggested questions're OK. But we've some circumstances that can influence on the participation
    of all our students at once. Unfortunately many students are still ill and a part of the students have other classes at this time.
    May be we'll divide our big group into 2-3 parts in different days? I think it'll be more productive and won't take much time for one day. I'll be glad to know your opinion on this point.
    And I think it'll be possible to have a meeting with you at the weekend. But I'll say the possible time tomorrow (this Sunday we're having a great holiday for all our women - the 8th of March, so my relatives and friends'll come to my place this weekend).
    With great respect,
    С уважением,

    1. Hi, dear Svetlana!
      No problem if only participate some of your students. If it is possible I really appreciate you tell me who will participate in the first meeting. Today I can´t confirm next meetings, because I have to talk to my students and their parents.

      For me is better to have meeting at the same hour and the same day (Mondays), because I have class with them in that schedule.

      For the time being, everything is ready for our meeting on Monday 9 at 7:00 a.m (in Colombia). I am sure our students will be enjoy it! If you can this weekend I would like to meet you by Skype. My account is dorainesmes.

      Have a nice women´s day, and enjoy with your family!!!!
      Dorainés Mesa

  27. March 6th, 2015
    Greetings from Vitebsk, Belarus!
    We're also ready to meet you in Skype. And about other meetings on Mondays at this very time is OK. We have the opportunity to meet you in Skype at any day of the week.
    Our list of the students who'll participate in the project has changed a bit. I'm posting you this list, where the students who'll take part on Monday meeting will be marked in red.
    If i have the opportunity I'll try to meet you in Skype at the weekend.

    С уважением,
    Светлана Абесадзе

    1. March 6, 2015
      Perfect my dear Svetlana!

      Today in the morning, the Coordinator Wilson Pérez helped me to tried out the conection of internet, and everything is right.
      Again, have a nice Women Day´s, and enjoy with your family this date.
      See you on Monday!
      Best Regards!

      Dorainés Mesa L.

  28. March 23, 2015
    Hello, Dear Dora!!!
    How're you and your students? We're having our spring holidays during this week. Did your students enjoy our Skype meeting? What feelings and emotions did they express?
    Our students were really excited!!!!!! They shared their emotions with the rest of the group who didn't take part in the meeting.
    So, they're looking forward to the next Skype meeting and your letters.By the way, all our students've finished writind their letters and I send you the last six letters.
    Our Tandem Project has caused a huge interest among the teachers of other schools in our city and even the Regional Educational Administration. We're lucky to cooperate with you and ready for the next stage!!!
    Best regards,

  29. March 23, 2015
    Hi dear Svetlana the meeting was wonderful and amazing for my students and me too. I share with you the video they did for you and your students. I hoper you enjoy it! Then I answer your message from march 23.
    Have a nice day!
    Dora Inés Mesa L.
    José Manuel Restrepo IED
    Bogotá, Colombia

  30. March 24, 2015
    Greetings from Belarus!
    We've just received your video and watched it.It's wonderful!!! We really enjoyed watching it! Your video caused a great desire to see your beautiful country with our own eyes.I'm sure our students'll also love the video very much.They'll watch it only next week after their holidays. We'll be happy to get your response.
    With best wishes,

  31. Hi dear Svetlana.
    I want to apologize for my silence, the reasons are that I had some extra activities in the school and also this is Holy week so I had to do evaluations and reports last week.
    Thank you for your last six letters. I send you the new organization. I did some changes.
    Yesterday I was at Secretaría de Educación asking for helping with the platform, they will help me, but I need you please give me your students emails. Please, as soon as possible.

    According to the schedule in April we are going to send our first message by the platform, so we need to agree the topic. I suggest "My best friend". We could work adjectives for personality, physical descriptions, opposites, colors, numbers, possessive adjectives and has got.

    If you agree we can begin to work with our students these grammar topics. The objective is that when they send the message by the platform they have "learned" most of these structures and vocabulary. They also can add a photo or a video.

    I send you the correction techniques, then I explain how to use them, and what each one mean.

    As always, it is a please to contact you. I am organizing the videos of our first meeting. I am sure it will be wonderful!

    Do you have Holy week too? How do you celebrate it?
    Dora Inés Mesa L
    José Manuel Restrepo IED
    Bogotá, Colombia

  32. Hello, dear Dora!
    We've studied a new schedule. The suggested topic for discussion is OK. This topic'll be interesting for our students. By the way in this schedule I put the emblem of our school. And we're waiting the instructions for the correction techniques.
    We've got one more letter (from a new participant for LEON NICOLÁS). We send the students' E-mails (beleive it WAS as soon as possible, because all our 40 participants study at different time and different forms)
    We also have a Holy week now. This Sunday we have Easter.

    On April 30 our school meets all the principals of our district schools and our headmaster wants us to make a report about first steps of our project. It would be great if the video about our skype meeting be ready.
    Waiting for your further instructions.
    Best regards from Vitebsk, Belarus.

    С уважением,
    Светлана Абесадзе

    1. Hi dear Svetlana:

      Thank you for your information.
      It was not late, this week we had class only three days, because on Wednesday, April 8 we had the intercourses inauguration, and today we had civilised day and we participated in a march for peace in our country.
      I will complete the information (emails) of my students. As soon as I have all the information I will send it to you.
      Next week I will go to the Secretaría de Educación office to ask for helping in Moodle platform.
      The purpose of this platform is that our students have a room to write and receive messages and to correct them.

      I hope to finish the video of the first part of our project around April 15th. As soon as I have it I share it with you. I would like you check it before to know your opinion or suggestions.
      I really appreciate if you please send me a little message (10 or 15 seconds) with a message from you and your students about the meeting or project. It will be divided in two or three parts. It is better because we don´t have to edit them.

      As soon as we have the platform I will explain you the correction techniques and the digital format to register the grammar advances of our students. This format is useful if you want to know about the process and advances of your students.

      For me it has been a nice experience to work with you. I am sure our students will enjoy and learn and for us as teacher will be a pedagogic rewarding experience.

      Best regards!

      Dora Ines Mesa L.
      José Manuel Restrepo School
      Bogotá, Colombia

  33. April 16, 2015

    Hi dear Svetlana:

    These two last weeks had been difficult, because there have been extra activities such as march in favor of peace, celebrations at the school, ending of the term.....and next week we will have an indefinite strike call by the union of teachers.

    But anyway, I am working on the presentation - video for you, and in the platform. Yesterday I was at Secretaría de Educación and a person helped me to create the course. We registered the students and teachers. I hope next week we have it ready to begin with our second step, sending and correct messages in the platform.

    As soon as I have information I wil tell you.

    Best Regards.
    M.L. Dora Inés Mesa L.José Manuel Restrepo IED

  34. April 19, 2015

    Hi Svetlana.

    I share with you the mentioned information. Please tell me your last name to be included in the platform. Then I will send the way to enter in the platform and how to do the tasks. I send you the first version of the Power Point Presentation. Please send me a photo of your students to be included in the presentation.

    If you find some mistakes or consider to change some information, please do it.

    Have a nice week.
    M.L. Dora Inés Mesa L.
    José Manuel Restrepo IED

  35. April 29, 2015

    Hi dear Svetalana:

    According to your message on April 9, I send the video about our project. I didn´t send it before, because I had problems to upload it. I hope you enjoy it!

    Please tell me when you receive this message.

    ML. Dora Inés Mesa L.
    José Manuel Restrepo IED

  36. April 30, 2015

    Dora Inés Mesa
    Hi Svetlana, did you received my email with the vídeo?
    Please tell me!


  37. April 30, 2015

    Video first part.

    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  38. May 5, 2015

    Hello, dear DORA!
    I'm sorry to know that your Mom has health problems. Hope for the better and be strong. We've received the link of your video, but we can't open it because of protected review. We've managed to watch some videos about our Tandem Project in google mail in your personal page. Are these the very videos you've uploaded referring to your link? In other way these videos are a good job! By the way we have some short videos and fotos of our skype meeting from our side. If you need we can share them with you. You've asked my second name. Its Abesadze (Svetlana - the first one). We're going to make a new video about our city, country and our students' opinions towards the project. We'll try to do it as soon as possible because our school year is over on May 30. We have 3 months' summer holidays.
    We're looking forward to good news from you!
    Best wishes from Vitebsk, Belarus!!!

  39. May 22, 2015
    Hi dear Svetlana.
    I apologize for my silence, but fortunately things are better.

    Here I share the tutorial to enter in the course created by Secretaría de Educación in Moodle for our project.
    I recommend you encourage your students first try to enter to confirm the usename and password. If you have any problem please don´t hesitate to tell me, and I contact the person who helps us with this course. If you don´t have any problem, you can begin with activities one and two. I hope you have seen the video about our project. Haven´t you?
    Tell me your opinion.

    ML Dora Inés Mesa L.

  40. May 22, 2015

    Hi dear Svetlana:

    I have the pleasure to share with you the report in the Press by Secretaría de Educación Distrital about our meeting by Skype.

  41. June 23, 2015

    Hi dear Svetlana

    I have lost some months, but things are not well. My mom was so sick some weeks and finally she died of sudden death, It has been so hard for me, I hope get over this paint soon. Students are in vacations from June 19th to July 5th.

    We have been working on simple sentences (Subject + Verb + Complement).

    Compound Sentences (Simple sentence + for/and/but/nor/or/yet/so + Simple sentence). They are preceded by a comma, except if they are short sentences.

    Complex sentences (independent sentence or simple sentence + because/since/alfter/although/when/that/who/which + subordinate sentence) it means that it needs the first sentence to have meaning.

    This practice is in order they improve their knowledge of grammar structures and write more complex senteces.
    During these months (June and July) the purpose is that your students enter in the platform (Colombia - Belarus) and correct some mistakes in the texts of my students, and also write the second text "My best friend" they can include photos or videos.

    This example is for correction techniques:
    Yellow: spelling mistake
    Green: missing word
    Red: something must be left

    My best friend is Andres Riveros(.) He is tall. He like(s)

    playing soccer.Your His favorite fruit is apple. His name is

    Andres.He like(s) drawing. He have (is)13 years old. He

    live(s) vith his mother, father, and brother. He study at Jose

    Manuel Restrepo (school).

    It is important your students upload in the platform their texts to do the same excersice.

    I look forward for hearing from you soon.
    ML Dora Inés Mesa L.

  42. July 5, 2015

    Hi dear Svetlana:

    After this long and painful recess. I would like to know if you and your students could enter in the platform.
    The intention is that our students use technology to share and communicate their messages. I would like to have a meeting by Skype with you to agree on the next topic, students could write and to know if you want to do the research project, in this case it would be a pleasure for me to share with you the methodology to register the information and have quantitative results.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    ML Dora Inés Mesa L.

  43. Skype

    Hi dear Svetlana, I would like if you have received my last messages.
    [05:09:40 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: We are working in the platform and I would like to know if you have enter. There you can see how students have corrected the messages.
    [05:09:53 a.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I look forward to hearing from you soon!

  44. July 21, 2015
    Good Morning dear Svetlana

    I miss your communication. I would like to know why didn´t you
    continue in contact with me.

    I look forward for hearing from you soon.
    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  45. July 18, 2015 - Skype

    I would like to know if you received my last messages.
    [18/07/2015 05:04:57 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: We are in the last part of the project.
    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  46. July 30, 2015 - Skype

    Hi dear Svetlana, I am puzzle for your attitude and your silence. I don´t know what happened, why you didn´t write anymore.
    [30/07/2015 06:06:20 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: My students yearn for contact you again. They have asked me about you and I don´t know what to say.
    [30/07/2015 06:07:34 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: It would be enjoyable to contact you again.
    [30/07/2015 06:07:58 p.m.] Dora Inés Mesa: I look forward to hearing from you soon! :(

    Hi dear Svetlana,
    I am puzzle for your attitude and your silence. I don´t know what happened, why you didn´t write anymore.

    My students yearn for contact you again. They have asked me about you and I don´t know what to say. It would be enjoyable to contact you again.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon!
    ML Dora Inés Mesa L.

  47. Hi, DEAR DORA!
    We're AWFULLY SORRY for our very long silence! There' were some reasons.
    Our children have 3 moths holidays from June till September (and teachers have 2 months vacations). So they hadn't much time to be ready with their second letters about thei friends.
    But they know about this task and will be ready to do it at the beginning of this school year in September.
    Besides we were abroad (travelled with our school children to ST. Petersburg in Russia and to Bulgaria whwre we had a rest at the seaside) in July and the first half of August worked at a summer camp in thae countryside as tutors and didn't have any opportunity to contact with you and coordinate our students.
    Some of our students tried to enter the moodle platform and to red and work with the letters of your students. But they didn't find any. Please give us some additional instructions how to find them.
    We hope to continue our cooperation and we apologize for not informing you about all of this!

    Best regards from Vitebsk, Belarus!!!!!!

    P.S. At the end of May our teachers and students watched your last video about our cooperation. We enjoyed it very much. And on the 27th of August we have the regional conference with all the representatives of school administration where our project will be presented.

    С уважением,
    Светлана Абесадзе

  48. Hi dear Svetlana

    I am really happy to have news from you!!!!!
    I was so sad because I thought you didn`t like to continue with the project. We continue working, but it is not the same. My students yearn for communication with you. We didn`t talk about vacations but I understand your reasons.

    These last months have been hard and difficult for me. I was some months taking care my mom, but unfortunately in June she died. Also we had administrative problems and we didn`t have class during almost three weeks. So when you didn`t answer my emails, I thought this is the end.

    Well but "after the storm comes back the calm". I continue working with my students, we are doing a video about Common Mistakes and other interactive activities, as soon it be ready I will share it with you. Also I have been doing the first report of the results. It has been hard but they show progress in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

    I hope we have other meeting taking about touristic places in my county/city. My students are doing a touristic guide about different places in Colombia to share with you.

    Hummm, I have forgotten to tell you that in our school there is a Teacher from Russia.
    She was born in St. Petersburg. She has seen the video I sent to you and have liked it. About the platform, don`t worry I am going to check the tutorial I sent you. Did you received it?

    I look forward to hearing from you soon, soon, jejejeje.

    Have a nice weekend!!!

    Dora Inés Mesa L.
