martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Svetlana Abesadze - Belorusia

14 comentarios:

  1. 29/01/14
    Hello, Dora Ines Mesa!
    My name's Svetlana. I'm from Vitebsk, Belarus. My students (13-16 years old) will be happy to take part in tandem projects with yours.
    We also have some experience in participating in the International projects. We like the idea to exchange the information about ourselves.
    What we'll start with? We have a video about our school and our city. It was made by one of my students. You can watch it here
    We'll be happy to hear from you soon!!!
    With best wishes from Belarus.
    Vitebsk State Secondary School № 46
    Svetlana Abesadze.

    С уважением,
    Светлана Абесадзе

  2. 4/02/14
    Hi Svetlana Abesadze:
    We are waiting for your answer!
    My students are eager for your answer.
    They want to send a message to your students.
    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  3. 15/10/14
    Hy Svetlana:

    I am organizing my english project for next year. I want to tell you that I have already finished my master in linguistic and the project I did "learning english by tandem and computer-mediated communication" and I am going to continue working with National University and COLCIENCIAS a research organization. I would like working with you next year and have the opportunity to share this experience among our students. If you are interested I would tell you about the activities and work plan.

    Best regards.

    Dora Inés Mesa L.

  4. 27/10/14
    Hi, Dora!
    I am happy to receive your invitation to participate in yuor project!
    We'll be glad to coopwork with you. And we're interested in the activities and working plan we're going to share with you!!!
    With the best wishes.

    С уважением,
    Светлана Абесадзе

  5. 7/01/15
    Dear Svetlana:

    It is nice to contact you again!

    As I told you in October (2014) this year I will continue with my project of interchange by computer.

    I would like to know if you continue interested to participate. I have the program and the activities you would do with your students. Of course they could be modified if we consider necessary.

    Students here began classes on January 19, but the activities of the project starts in February. I am going to work with sixth graders (boys and girls).

    The idea is that they are going to contact by internet with our guidance. If you need any letter or certification of my school I send it. Some of the requirements is that parents must know about the project and have to authorise to take photos or share videos. I would send you the letter.

    I will expect your answer. As I told you before,I am sure you will like this project. It would be wonderful our students have the opportunity to share information about our cultures and more!


    M.L.Dora Inés Mesa L.

  6. 8/01/15
    Hello from Belarus!
    I'm happy, Dora, to get some news from you again. We'll take part in your project with great pleasure!
    Our students begin classes on January 12. I'll be waiting your insructions with impatience. Our head-master
    knows that we're going to take part in the project with you. Our students're looking forward to get acquainted with
    yours. They like to make new friends. I'm waiting the news from you!
    With best wishes,

    С уважением,
    Светлана Абесадзе

  7. 9/01/15
    Dear Svetlana:
    Wonderful! I am sure we will enjoy this experience and and simultaneously we are going to learn about our countries and cultures.
    In the first part I am going to send you the program I organized to develop during the year, probably we have to change some activities or dates, no problem. If you have any suggestion or question, perfect!
    Please tell me the name of your school. In our case I am going to write, José Manuel Restrepo - Colombia (JMR-COL).
    Best Regards.
    M.L. Dora Inés Mesa López
    José Manuel Restrepo IED School

  8. 13/01/15
    Hi dear Svetlana:
    Did you received my plan activities? What do you think about it?
    I send you the link of the British Council platform.
    The objective is that we find together there and have space to work our project.

    You register and in MY SCHOOL PROFILE "you upload a letter written on headed paper and signed by your head teacher to confirm your name and position and showing the name of the school. This is to ensure the security of our Schools online website".
    This a request from British Council.

    Please tell me when you have done it!

    This is one option to find together in the platform. I use this option, because we don´t have platform, but if you have in your Institution one, we can use it.

    Dora Inés Mesa L.

    1. 20/01/2015
      2015-01-20 2:55 GMT-08:00 Светлана Абесадзе :
      Hello, Dear Dora!
      I've studied your plan activities and should say that I like it very much.
      I've regestered on the British Council platform. My account is Svetlana Abesadze
      and I've also registered MY SCHOOL PROFILE in my account. (It was approved)
      And what should I do now? I'm looking forward the news from you.
      With best wishes,

  9. 25/01/2015
    Dear Svelana!!!

    It´s great to hear from you and your interest in the project!!!

    I haven´t sent you information yet, because I wanted to send you the list of my students and the results of the english test.

    I send you the test I applied to my students last week. I took these results to know how much they know of english and to give you the option to organize pairs according to each student level.

    You can apply the test if you consider necessary to know your students level, if not, please give me back the list with your students names according to the level. 100 is the highest.

    The next step is to apply the diagnostic test, which consist of a writing text. It is the third page of the english test document. If you prefer I can send it in english. But it would be a nice opportunity for you to learn english, jejeje. don´t you?

    Don´t apply the writing text yet, bscause is better to know before the name of each pair students, in this way they feel more motivated to write. We can apply it as soon we have both lists.

    Always is nice for me to have news from you and your students. You told me about your head-master, say hello from me. I hope we have the opportunity to have a meeting by Skype, soon.

    I send you a video about tandem project I developed with New Zealand.

    Soon I will send photos of my students. I haven´t receive the camera yet.

    Have a nice week!
    M.L. Dora Inés Mesa L.

  10. Hi dear Svetlana!

    Did you receive the information I send you on January 13th? This is the record of the activities we should do up to day.

    Svetlana Abesadze
    1. Register in the platform School on line.
    2. Apply the diagnostic English test. It is up to you. It helps you to recognize the english level of each student.
    3. Results of the diagnostic test to know level of each student.
    4. Organize diadas according to the students English level. I wait this information from you.
    5. Apply the pretest. It is not mandatory for you.

    Dora Inés Mesa L.
    1. Register in the platform School on line
    2 It is up to you. It helps you to recognize the english level of each student.
    2. Apply the diagnostic English test. 3.
    4. Results of the diagnostic test to know level of each student.
    4. Organize diadas according to the students English level. I wait this information from you.
    5. Apply pretest – Feb. 4. In my case I applied this test, because I want to do a research project. In October I am going to apply it again to compare advances in writing skill. I have the charts to analyse the information. If you want to apply it, it will be a pleasure share this information with you.

    I will wait any question you have. During this month I will be working in the platform (School On-line) to organize the groups (two students for each one).

    I would like to have a meeting with you by Skype. I don´t know what is the difference of hours in real time. But it won´t be problem. Please, tell me when you have time.


    Dora Inés Mesa L.
    English Teacher
    José Manuel Restrepo IED
    Bogotá D.C.

  11. Hoy he ingresado a la plataforma de School On-line para buscar a Svetlana, pero como no se el nombre del colegio no ha sido posible encontrarla. Le he enviado un correo haciéndole esa pregunta.

  12. Hello, dear Dora!
    Sorry for my long silence. We've done the diagnostic tests
    and the most part of our students've written the letters to yours.
    I'd like all of our students to write the messages to yours and then send them to you.
    The problem is that in our project students from different classes'll take part.
    During our English lessons each class is devided into 2-3 groups. So I've asked my
    colleague to help me to find a pair for each of your student. Is it OK?
    Her first name's also Svelana and the second is Moroz (she's registered in the British Council platform)
    I'll try to finish with our letters as son as possible!

    The name of our school is Vitebsk State Secondary School № 46.

    With best wishes,

  13. Hi dear Svetlana:

    It is nice to have news from you and your students! No problem, I understand your situation. Take your time.
    My students wrote a message from yours about personal information. As soon as I receive your students list I will send you the messages. I have 40 students, if you have more we can organize groups of three students, specially with the highest level.

    If you agree you can send me the list with (grades or marks) and I organize the diadas/pairs. Send greetings to your colleagues and head staff. It is wonderful to know that not only you are participating in this project!!

    Best regards!!

    Dora Inés Mesa L.
